Mastering Grammar: Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them

  1. Choose the correct verb form:
    She always ___ to work on time.
    a) comes
    b) come
    c) came
    d) coming
  2. Pick the correct preposition:
    The keys are ___ the table.
    a) at
    b) on
    c) in
    d) under
  3. Select the correct article:
    I saw ___ cat sitting by the window.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  4. Choose the correct comparative form:
    This dress is ___ than the other one.
    a) expensive
    b) more expensive
    c) most expensive
    d) expensiver
  5. Select the correct pronoun:
    ___ of these books belongs to you?
    a) What
    b) Whose
    c) Which
    d) Where
  6. Identify the correct tense:
    By the time you arrive, I ___ dinner.
    a) will have finished
    b) finish
    c) finished
    d) had finished
  7. Pick the right subject-verb agreement:
    Each of the students ___ a presentation today.
    a) have
    b) has
    c) are
    d) were
  8. Choose the correct modal verb:
    You ___ leave now if you want to catch the train.
    a) must
    b) should
    c) can
    d) may
  9. Select the correct adverb:
    He drives too ___.
    a) slow
    b) slowly
    c) slower
    d) slowest
  10. Choose the right conditional form:
    If I ___ more money, I would travel the world.
    a) have
    b) had
    c) will have
    d) would have
  11. Pick the correct passive construction:
    The letter ___ yesterday.
    a) was sent
    b) is sent
    c) send
    d) was sending
  12. Select the correct infinitive verb:
    I need ___ to the meeting today.
    a) go
    b) to go
    c) going
    d) gone
  13. Identify the correct relative pronoun:
    The man ___ you spoke to is my brother.
    a) who
    b) whom
    c) which
    d) whose
  14. Choose the correct form of the adjective:
    This coffee is ___ than I expected.
    a) stronger
    b) strong
    c) most strong
    d) strongest
  15. Pick the right verb form:
    She ___ for the job last week.
    a) applied
    b) apply
    c) applies
    d) applying
  16. Select the correct use of the preposition:
    He is interested ___ photography.
    a) in
    b) on
    c) at
    d) with
  17. Choose the correct verb for agreement:
    One of the players ___ injured during the match.
    a) was
    b) were
    c) are
    d) have
  18. Pick the correct verb pattern:
    He enjoys ___ basketball in his free time.
    a) to play
    b) play
    c) playing
    d) played
  19. Choose the right future tense form:
    I ___ my homework by tomorrow.
    a) will finish
    b) will have finished
    c) finishing
    d) finished
  20. Select the correct phrasal verb:
    They ___ out of the project due to financial issues.
    a) pulled
    b) put
    c) took
    d) turned
  21. Pick the correct adjective order:
    She bought a ___ red silk scarf.
    a) silk red
    b) red silk
    c) red and silk
    d) silken red
  22. Identify the correct indirect speech:
    He said, "I am leaving now." becomes:
    a) He said that he was leaving now.
    b) He said that he is leaving now.
    c) He said that he was leaving then.
    d) He said that he left now.
  23. Choose the correct form of the noun:
    They are organizing several ___ for the event.
    a) activity
    b) activites
    c) activities
    d) activitys
  24. Pick the right use of the conditional:
    If I ___ you, I wouldn't do that.
    a) am
    b) was
    c) were
    d) be
  25. Select the correct subject-verb agreement:
    The team ___ playing well this season.
    a) are
    b) is
    c) were
    d) have been
  26. Choose the correct adverb:
    She answered the question ___.
    a) quick
    b) quickly
    c) quicker
    d) quickest
  27. Pick the correct future perfect form:
    By the end of this year, she ___ finished her degree.
    a) will have
    b) will be
    c) has
    d) had
  28. Identify the correct use of articles:
    We went to ___ movie last night.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  29. Choose the correct pronoun:
    The teacher gave the homework to ___.
    a) they
    b) their
    c) them
    d) theirs
  30. Pick the right verb form:
    I ___ my keys somewhere.
    a) losing
    b) lost
    c) lose
    d) will lose


  1. Answer: a) comes
  2. Answer: b) on
  3. Answer: a) a
  4. Answer: b) more expensive
  5. Answer: c) Which
  6. Answer: a) will have finished
  7. Answer: b) has
  8. Answer: b) should
  9. Answer: b) slowly
  10. Answer: b) had
  11. Answer: a) was sent
  12. Answer: b) to go
  13. Answer: b) whom
  14. Answer: a) stronger
  15. Answer: a) applied
  16. Answer: a) in
  17. Answer: a) was
  18. Answer: c) playing
  19. Answer: b) will have finished
  20. Answer: a) pulled
  21. Answer: b) red silk
  22. Answer: c) He said that he was leaving then.
  23. Answer: c) activities
  24. Answer: c) were
  25. Answer: b) is
  26. Answer: b) quickly
  27. Answer: a) will have
  28. Answer: a) a
  29. Answer: c) them
  30. Answer: b) lost

 Perfecting Your English: The Ultimate Guide to Error-Free Grammar


  1. Choose the correct verb form:
    He ___ tennis every Sunday.
    a) play
    b) plays
    c) played
    d) playing
  2. Pick the correct preposition:
    The meeting is ___ 3 p.m.
    a) on
    b) at
    c) in
    d) by
  3. Select the correct article:
    She is ___ doctor.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  4. Choose the correct form of the adjective:
    This is the ___ car in the lot.
    a) fastest
    b) fast
    c) faster
    d) most fast
  5. Identify the correct pronoun:
    ___ are going to the movies tonight.
    a) We
    b) Us
    c) Our
    d) Ours
  6. Select the correct past tense verb:
    Yesterday, I ___ to the beach.
    a) go
    b) went
    c) going
    d) gone
  7. Pick the right modal verb:
    You ___ not smoke in here.
    a) must
    b) should
    c) can
    d) may
  8. Choose the correct adverb:
    She speaks English ___.
    a) fluent
    b) fluently
    c) fluency
    d) fluented
  9. Select the correct future tense form:
    They ___ to visit us next week.
    a) are going
    b) will going
    c) were going
    d) go
  10. Pick the correct subject-verb agreement:
    Each of the dogs ___ a bone.
    a) has
    b) have
    c) are
    d) were
  11. Choose the correct conditional sentence:
    If it rains, we ___ the picnic inside.
    a) will move
    b) move
    c) moved
    d) moving
  12. Select the correct form of the passive voice:
    The letter ___ by Sarah yesterday.
    a) was written
    b) is written
    c) were written
    d) writes
  13. Identify the correct preposition:
    She arrived ___ the airport at noon.
    a) to
    b) in
    c) at
    d) on
  14. Pick the right verb pattern:
    He suggested ___ to the cinema.
    a) go
    b) going
    c) gone
    d) to go
  15. Choose the correct pronoun:
    ___ is your favorite color?
    a) Who
    b) Whose
    c) Which
    d) Where
  16. Select the correct article:
    I have never seen ___ interesting film.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  17. Choose the right verb form:
    I ___ him at the park yesterday.
    a) saw
    b) see
    c) seeing
    d) seen
  18. Pick the correct comparative form:
    Her house is ___ than mine.
    a) big
    b) bigger
    c) biggest
    d) more big
  19. Identify the correct use of the future perfect tense:
    By tomorrow, she ___ the report.
    a) will have finished
    b) finishes
    c) finished
    d) will finish
  20. Select the correct relative pronoun:
    The man ___ car was stolen is at the police station.
    a) whose
    b) who
    c) which
    d) that
  21. Choose the correct verb for agreement:
    Either John or Mary ___ bringing the food.
    a) is
    b) are
    c) were
    d) be
  22. Pick the correct use of the infinitive:
    I decided ___ home early.
    a) leaving
    b) leave
    c) to leave
    d) left
  23. Identify the correct indirect speech:
    She said, "I love this book." becomes:
    a) She said she loved this book.
    b) She said she loves this book.
    c) She said she love this book.
    d) She said she loved that book.
  24. Choose the correct form of the verb:
    They ___ the game before I arrived.
    a) had finished
    b) finished
    c) will finish
    d) have finished
  25. Select the correct pronoun:
    The teacher gave the books to ___.
    a) we
    b) us
    c) our
    d) ours
  26. Pick the correct adjective order:
    She bought a ___ small wooden chair.
    a) wooden small
    b) small wooden
    c) wooden and small
    d) small and wooden
  27. Choose the correct preposition:
    He is sitting ___ the table.
    a) on
    b) in
    c) under
    d) over
  28. Identify the correct tense:
    I ___ in this city for ten years.
    a) live
    b) lived
    c) have lived
    d) will live
  29. Select the correct noun form:
    She made several ___ to the project.
    a) contributions
    b) contribution
    c) contributings
    d) contribute
  30. Choose the right modal verb:
    You ___ study harder if you want to pass the exam.
    a) should
    b) may
    c) can
    d) might


  1. Answer: b) plays
  2. Answer: b) at
  3. Answer: b) an
  4. Answer: a) fastest
  5. Answer: a) We
  6. Answer: b) went
  7. Answer: a) must
  8. Answer: b) fluently
  9. Answer: a) are going
  10. Answer: a) has
  11. Answer: a) will move
  12. Answer: a) was written
  13. Answer: c) at
  14. Answer: b) going
  15. Answer: c) Which
  16. Answer: b) an
  17. Answer: a) saw
  18. Answer: b) bigger
  19. Answer: a) will have finished
  20. Answer: a) whose
  21. Answer: a) is
  22. Answer: c) to leave
  23. Answer: d) She said she loved that book.
  24. Answer: a) had finished
  25. Answer: b) us
  26. Answer: b) small wooden
  27. Answer: c) under
  28. Answer: c) have lived
  29. Answer: a) contributions
  30. Answer: a) should



  1. Choose the correct verb form:
    They ___ to the party last night.
    a) go
    b) went
    c) going
    d) gone
  2. Pick the correct preposition:
    She arrived ___ 7 p.m.
    a) on
    b) at
    c) in
    d) by
  3. Select the correct article:
    He is ___ artist.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  4. Choose the correct comparative form:
    This book is ___ than the one I read last week.
    a) interesting
    b) more interesting
    c) most interesting
    d) interestinger
  5. Identify the correct pronoun:
    ___ is responsible for this mess?
    a) Who
    b) Whom
    c) Whose
    d) What
  6. Select the correct past tense:
    We ___ the movie yesterday.
    a) watch
    b) watched
    c) watching
    d) watches
  7. Pick the right modal verb:
    You ___ finish your homework before going out.
    a) must
    b) should
    c) can
    d) may
  8. Choose the correct adverb:
    She sings ___.
    a) beautiful
    b) beautifully
    c) beauty
    d) beautify
  9. Select the correct future tense:
    I ___ my exams next week.
    a) take
    b) will take
    c) took
    d) taken
  10. Pick the correct subject-verb agreement:
    Neither of the girls ___ here.
    a) are
    b) were
    c) is
    d) being
  11. Choose the correct conditional sentence:
    If I had known, I ___ helped you.
    a) will
    b) would
    c) have
    d) would have
  12. Select the correct passive form:
    The food ___ by the chef.
    a) was cooked
    b) is cooking
    c) are cooked
    d) will cook
  13. Identify the correct preposition:
    He is good ___ mathematics.
    a) on
    b) in
    c) at
    d) by
  14. Pick the correct verb pattern:
    She avoided ___ the question.
    a) answer
    b) answering
    c) to answer
    d) answered
  15. Choose the correct pronoun:
    ___ are going to the concert tomorrow?
    a) Who
    b) Whom
    c) Which
    d) What
  16. Select the correct article:
    I bought ___ umbrella because it was raining.
    a) an
    b) a
    c) the
    d) none
  17. Choose the right verb form:
    I ___ lunch already.
    a) eat
    b) ate
    c) eating
    d) have eaten
  18. Pick the correct comparative form:
    His house is ___ than mine.
    a) large
    b) larger
    c) largest
    d) most large
  19. Identify the correct future perfect tense:
    By tomorrow, she ___ her assignment.
    a) will finish
    b) will be finishing
    c) will have finished
    d) finished
  20. Select the correct relative pronoun:
    The book ___ I read was very interesting.
    a) who
    b) which
    c) whom
    d) whose
  21. Choose the correct verb for agreement:
    Either the cat or the dog ___ responsible for the mess.
    a) is
    b) are
    c) were
    d) being
  22. Pick the correct infinitive:
    I want ___ to the store.
    a) to go
    b) go
    c) going
    d) gone
  23. Identify the correct indirect speech:
    He said, "I will call you tomorrow." becomes:
    a) He said he will call me tomorrow.
    b) He said he would call me tomorrow.
    c) He said he would call me the next day.
    d) He said he calls me tomorrow.
  24. Choose the correct form of the verb:
    They ___ the report before the meeting started.
    a) had completed
    b) completed
    c) will complete
    d) completes
  25. Select the correct pronoun:
    He gave the present to ___.
    a) they
    b) them
    c) their
    d) theirs
  26. Pick the correct adjective order:
    She wore a ___ beautiful silk dress.
    a) beautiful silk
    b) silk beautiful
    c) beautiful and silk
    d) silken beautiful
  27. Choose the correct preposition:
    The cat is hiding ___ the bed.
    a) on
    b) in
    c) under
    d) over
  28. Identify the correct tense:
    I ___ in London since 2015.
    a) live
    b) lived
    c) have lived
    d) am living
  29. Select the correct noun form:
    The teacher gave us two ___ for homework.
    a) exercises
    b) exercise
    c) exercisings
    d) exercisers
  30. Choose the right modal verb:
    You ___ wear a helmet when riding a bike.
    a) should
    b) might
    c) can
    d) may


  1. Answer: b) went
  2. Answer: b) at
  3. Answer: b) an
  4. Answer: b) more interesting
  5. Answer: a) Who
  6. Answer: b) watched
  7. Answer: a) must
  8. Answer: b) beautifully
  9. Answer: b) will take
  10. Answer: c) is
  11. Answer: d) would have
  12. Answer: a) was cooked
  13. Answer: c) at
  14. Answer: b) answering
  15. Answer: a) Who
  16. Answer: a) an
  17. Answer: d) have eaten
  18. Answer: b) larger
  19. Answer: c) will have finished
  20. Answer: b) which
  21. Answer: a) is
  22. Answer: a) to go
  23. Answer: c) He said he would call me the next day.
  24. Answer: a) had completed
  25. Answer: b) them
  26. Answer: a) beautiful silk
  27. Answer: c) under
  28. Answer: c) have lived
  29. Answer: a) exercises
  30. Answer: a) should


  1. Choose the correct verb form:
    She ___ the book before going to bed.
    a) reads
    b) read
    c) reading
    d) has read
  2. Pick the correct preposition:
    He is interested ___ learning Spanish.
    a) on
    b) at
    c) in
    d) by
  3. Select the correct article:
    I saw ___ interesting documentary yesterday.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  4. Choose the correct comparative form:
    This dress is ___ than that one.
    a) cheaper
    b) cheap
    c) most cheap
    d) more cheap
  5. Identify the correct pronoun:
    ___ of the two boys is taller?
    a) Who
    b) Which
    c) Whom
    d) What
  6. Select the correct past tense verb:
    Last week, we ___ to the museum.
    a) go
    b) went
    c) going
    d) gone
  7. Pick the right modal verb:
    You ___ wear a seatbelt when driving.
    a) should
    b) could
    c) would
    d) might
  8. Choose the correct adverb:
    He finished the exam ___.
    a) quick
    b) quickly
    c) quicker
    d) quickness
  9. Select the correct future tense:
    We ___ dinner at 7 p.m.
    a) will have
    b) had
    c) have
    d) will had
  10. Pick the correct subject-verb agreement:
    Each of the students ___ a book.
    a) has
    b) have
    c) were
    d) are
  11. Choose the correct conditional sentence:
    If she had known, she ___ come earlier.
    a) will
    b) would
    c) will have
    d) would have
  12. Select the correct passive form:
    The cake ___ by Mary.
    a) is baked
    b) was baking
    c) was baked
    d) will bake
  13. Identify the correct preposition:
    We waited ___ an hour.
    a) for
    b) on
    c) in
    d) with
  14. Pick the correct verb pattern:
    They refused ___ the contract.
    a) signing
    b) to sign
    c) sign
    d) signed
  15. Choose the correct pronoun:
    ___ did you invite to the party?
    a) Who
    b) Whom
    c) Whose
    d) Which
  16. Select the correct article:
    I need to buy ___ new phone.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  17. Choose the right verb form:
    I have never ___ this movie before.
    a) see
    b) seeing
    c) saw
    d) seen
  18. Pick the correct comparative form:
    The blue shirt is ___ than the red one.
    a) nicer
    b) nice
    c) more nice
    d) most nice
  19. Identify the correct future perfect tense:
    By the time you arrive, I ___ dinner.
    a) will prepare
    b) will have prepared
    c) prepared
    d) will be preparing
  20. Select the correct relative pronoun:
    The car ___ I bought is very fast.
    a) that
    b) who
    c) which
    d) whom
  21. Choose the correct verb for agreement:
    Either Sarah or Tom ___ going to bring the food.
    a) is
    b) are
    c) were
    d) be
  22. Pick the correct infinitive:
    They agreed ___ the contract next week.
    a) to sign
    b) signing
    c) sign
    d) signed
  23. Identify the correct indirect speech:
    She said, "I can come tomorrow." becomes:
    a) She said she could come tomorrow.
    b) She said she can come tomorrow.
    c) She said she could come the next day.
    d) She said she can come the next day.
  24. Choose the correct form of the verb:
    By the time we arrived, they ___ the concert.
    a) had started
    b) started
    c) will start
    d) start
  25. Select the correct pronoun:
    The teacher gave the papers to ___.
    a) I
    b) me
    c) mine
    d) myself
  26. Pick the correct adjective order:
    She has a ___ old Italian car.
    a) Italian old
    b) old Italian
    c) old and Italian
    d) Italian and old
  27. Choose the correct preposition:
    The kids are playing ___ the garden.
    a) on
    b) in
    c) at
    d) over
  28. Identify the correct tense:
    We ___ for two hours yesterday.
    a) talk
    b) talked
    c) talking
    d) talks
  29. Select the correct noun form:
    There are three ___ in this class.
    a) students
    b) student
    c) studys
    d) studiers
  30. Choose the right modal verb:
    You ___ take a break if you feel tired.
    a) should
    b) might
    c) can
    d) may


  1. Answer: b) read
  2. Answer: c) in
  3. Answer: b) an
  4. Answer: a) cheaper
  5. Answer: b) Which
  6. Answer: b) went
  7. Answer: a) should
  8. Answer: b) quickly
  9. Answer: a) will have
  10. Answer: a) has
  11. Answer: d) would have
  12. Answer: c) was baked
  13. Answer: a) for
  14. Answer: b) to sign
  15. Answer: b) Whom
  16. Answer: a) a
  17. Answer: d) seen
  18. Answer: a) nicer
  19. Answer: b) will have prepared
  20. Answer: a) that
  21. Answer: a) is
  22. Answer: a) to sign
  23. Answer: c) She said she could come the next day.
  24. Answer: a) had started
  25. Answer: b) me
  26. Answer: b) old Italian
  27. Answer: b) in
  28. Answer: b) talked
  29. Answer: a) students
  30. Answer: a) should



  1. Choose the correct verb form:
    She ___ her homework before dinner.
    a) finishes
    b) finished
    c) finishing
    d) has finished
  2. Pick the correct preposition:
    The cat jumped ___ the table.
    a) at
    b) over
    c) on
    d) into
  3. Select the correct article:
    He is ___ engineer.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  4. Choose the correct comparative form:
    This movie is ___ than the last one.
    a) better
    b) good
    c) best
    d) gooder
  5. Identify the correct pronoun:
    ___ will come to the party?
    a) Who
    b) Whom
    c) Whose
    d) Which
  6. Select the correct past tense verb:
    Yesterday, I ___ to the store.
    a) go
    b) went
    c) going
    d) gone
  7. Pick the right modal verb:
    You ___ be quiet in the library.
    a) must
    b) can
    c) will
    d) should
  8. Choose the correct adverb:
    She danced ___.
    a) graceful
    b) gracefully
    c) grace
    d) graciously
  9. Select the correct future tense:
    He ___ the report by tomorrow.
    a) will finish
    b) finished
    c) finishes
    d) finishing
  10. Pick the correct subject-verb agreement:
    Each of the apples ___ fresh.
    a) is
    b) are
    c) being
    d) were
  11. Choose the correct conditional sentence:
    If I were you, I ___ take the job.
    a) will
    b) would
    c) shall
    d) should
  12. Select the correct passive form:
    The letter ___ yesterday.
    a) was sent
    b) sent
    c) is sending
    d) sends
  13. Identify the correct preposition:
    He walked ___ the street.
    a) on
    b) in
    c) across
    d) along
  14. Pick the correct verb pattern:
    I look forward to ___ you again.
    a) see
    b) seeing
    c) saw
    d) seen
  15. Choose the correct pronoun:
    ___ is responsible for this mess?
    a) Who
    b) Whom
    c) Whose
    d) Which
  16. Select the correct article:
    I read ___ interesting article yesterday.
    a) a
    b) an
    c) the
    d) none
  17. Choose the right verb form:
    We ___ already eaten dinner.
    a) have
    b) had
    c) having
    d) has
  18. Pick the correct comparative form:
    This chair is ___ than that one.
    a) more comfortable
    b) comfortabler
    c) comfortable
    d) most comfortable
  19. Identify the correct future perfect tense:
    By next month, they ___ the house.
    a) will have sold
    b) will sell
    c) sold
    d) will be selling
  20. Select the correct relative pronoun:
    The person ___ called you is my friend.
    a) which
    b) who
    c) whom
    d) whose
  21. Choose the correct verb for agreement:
    Neither the teacher nor the students ___ present.
    a) is
    b) are
    c) were
    d) be
  22. Pick the correct infinitive:
    I forgot ___ the door.
    a) to lock
    b) locking
    c) lock
    d) locked
  23. Identify the correct indirect speech:
    He said, "I am coming tomorrow." becomes:
    a) He said he is coming tomorrow.
    b) He said he was coming tomorrow.
    c) He said he was coming the next day.
    d) He said he is coming the next day.
  24. Choose the correct form of the verb:
    They ___ the project before the deadline.
    a) completed
    b) completes
    c) complete
    d) completing
  25. Select the correct pronoun:
    She gave the book to ___.
    a) me
    b) I
    c) myself
    d) mine
  26. Pick the correct adjective order:
    She wore a ___ red velvet dress.
    a) red velvet
    b) velvet red
    c) velvet and red
    d) red and velvet
  27. Choose the correct preposition:
    The dog is sitting ___ the floor.
    a) in
    b) on
    c) at
    d) over
  28. Identify the correct tense:
    We ___ lunch together yesterday.
    a) have
    b) had
    c) having
    d) has
  29. Select the correct noun form:
    There are many ___ in the park.
    a) childs
    b) children
    c) child
    d) childrens
  30. Choose the right modal verb:
    You ___ study hard to pass the exam.
    a) should
    b) might
    c) can
    d) may


  1. Answer: b) finished
  2. Answer: b) over
  3. Answer: b) an
  4. Answer: a) better
  5. Answer: a) Who
  6. Answer: b) went
  7. Answer: a) must
  8. Answer: b) gracefully
  9. Answer: a) will finish
  10. Answer: a) is
  11. Answer: b) would
  12. Answer: a) was sent
  13. Answer: c) across
  14. Answer: b) seeing
  15. Answer: a) Who
  16. Answer: b) an
  17. Answer: a) have
  18. Answer: a) more comfortable
  19. Answer: a) will have sold
  20. Answer: b) who
  21. Answer: a) is
  22. Answer: a) to lock
  23. Answer: c) He said he was coming the next day.
  24. Answer: a) completed
  25. Answer: a) me
  26. Answer: a) red velvet
  27. Answer: b) on
  28. Answer: b) had
  29. Answer: b) children
  30. Answer: a) should



  1. Find the mistake and correct it:
    The boys plays football every weekend.
    a) The boys play football every weekend.
    b) The boy plays football every weekend.
    c) The boys are playing football every weekend.
    d) The boys will play football every weekend.
  2. Identify the error:
    She don’t like to eat spicy food.
    a) She doesn’t like to eat spicy food.
    b) She not likes to eat spicy food.
    c) She didn’t like to eat spicy food.
    d) She isn’t like to eat spicy food.
  3. Choose the correct version:
    They was very happy to see the movie.
    a) They are very happy to see the movie.
    b) They were very happy to see the movie.
    c) They is very happy to see the movie.
    d) They had been very happy to see the movie.
  4. Spot the error:
    I have seen her yesterday.
    a) I see her yesterday.
    b) I has seen her yesterday.
    c) I saw her yesterday.
    d) I had seen her yesterday.
  5. Correct the sentence:
    He doesn’t knows the answer.
    a) He doesn’t know the answer.
    b) He didn’t know the answer.
    c) He don’t know the answer.
    d) He doesn’t knowing the answer.
  6. Identify the incorrect word:
    She have been working here for five years.
    a) She has been working here for five years.
    b) She had been working here for five years.
    c) She is working here for five years.
    d) She was working here for five years.
  7. Choose the correct sentence:
    The childrens are playing in the park.
    a) The children are playing in the park.
    b) The children is playing in the park.
    c) The children will playing in the park.
    d) The childrens is playing in the park.
  8. Find the mistake:
    There is two cars in the driveway.
    a) There are two cars in the driveway.
    b) There are two car in the driveway.
    c) There is two car in the driveway.
    d) There is being two cars in the driveway.
  9. Correct the sentence:
    They has finished their work early.
    a) They have finished their work early.
    b) They will finished their work early.
    c) They is finishing their work early.
    d) They are finished their work early.
  10. Spot the error:
    He told me that he will come tomorrow.
    a) He told me that he would come tomorrow.
    b) He tells me that he will come tomorrow.
    c) He told me that he is coming tomorrow.
    d) He had told me that he would come tomorrow.
  11. Find and correct the error:
    We was late to the meeting.
    a) We were late to the meeting.
    b) We are late to the meeting.
    c) We had been late to the meeting.
    d) We will be late to the meeting.
  12. Identify the incorrect part:
    She go to school every day.
    a) She goes to school every day.
    b) She went to school every day.
    c) She is going to school every day.
    d) She gone to school every day.
  13. Correct the sentence:
    I seen that movie last week.
    a) I saw that movie last week.
    b) I have seen that movie last week.
    c) I had seen that movie last week.
    d) I will seen that movie last week.
  14. Choose the correct version:
    The book are on the table.
    a) The book is on the table.
    b) The book were on the table.
    c) The book was on the table.
    d) The books are on the table.
  15. Spot the mistake:
    She has went to the store.
    a) She has gone to the store.
    b) She has go to the store.
    c) She is gone to the store.
    d) She gone to the store.
  16. Correct the sentence:
    They was talking during the movie.
    a) They were talking during the movie.
    b) They is talking during the movie.
    c) They had talked during the movie.
    d) They will talking during the movie.
  17. Identify the error:
    He don’t want to go to the party.
    a) He doesn’t want to go to the party.
    b) He didn’t want to go to the party.
    c) He doesn’t wants to go to the party.
    d) He isn’t wanting to go to the party.
  18. Choose the correct sentence:
    She never have been to Paris.
    a) She has never been to Paris.
    b) She never been to Paris.
    c) She has never be to Paris.
    d) She never is been to Paris.
  19. Correct the mistake:
    I am not agree with you.
    a) I do not agree with you.
    b) I doesn’t agree with you.
    c) I wasn’t agree with you.
    d) I don’t agrees with you.
  20. Spot the error:
    We have wrote the report already.
    a) We have written the report already.
    b) We wrote the report already.
    c) We has written the report already.
    d) We has wrote the report already.
  21. Find the mistake:
    The man runned across the street.
    a) The man ran across the street.
    b) The man running across the street.
    c) The man runs across the street.
    d) The man was run across the street.
  22. Correct the sentence:
    They didn’t went to the concert.
    a) They didn’t go to the concert.
    b) They haven’t went to the concert.
    c) They don’t went to the concert.
    d) They didn’t going to the concert.
  23. Identify the error:
    The teacher asked us to done the homework.
    a) The teacher asked us to do the homework.
    b) The teacher asked us to did the homework.
    c) The teacher asked us to doing the homework.
    d) The teacher asking us to done the homework.
  24. Spot the mistake:
    I has been working here for three years.
    a) I have been working here for three years.
    b) I had been working here for three years.
    c) I am working here for three years.
    d) I was working here for three years.
  25. Correct the sentence:
    She don’t has any money.
    a) She doesn’t have any money.
    b) She doesn’t has any money.
    c) She don’t have any money.
    d) She hasn’t any money.
  26. Identify the incorrect word:
    The dogs is barking loudly.
    a) The dogs are barking loudly.
    b) The dogs was barking loudly.
    c) The dogs were barking loudly.
    d) The dogs is bark loudly.
  27. Find the mistake:
    He should of known better.
    a) He should have known better.
    b) He should has known better.
    c) He should had known better.
    d) He should is known better.
  28. Correct the sentence:
    I am going to buying a new car.
    a) I am going to buy a new car.
    b) I going to buying a new car.
    c) I going to bought a new car.
    d) I will going to buying a new car.
  29. Choose the correct sentence:
    They doesn’t live here anymore.
    a) They don’t live here anymore.
    b) They didn’t live here anymore.
    c) They doesn’t lives here anymore.
    d) They haven’t live here anymore.
  30. Spot the error:
    We was studying all night for the exam.
    a) We were studying all night for the exam.
    b) We are studying all night for the exam.
    c) We had been studying all night for the exam.
    d) We is studying all night for the exam.


  1. Answer: a) The boys play football every weekend.
  2. Answer: a) She doesn’t like to eat spicy food.
  3. Answer: b) They were very happy to see the movie.
  4. Answer: c) I saw her yesterday.
  5. Answer: a) He doesn’t know the answer.
  6. Answer: a) She has been working here for five years.
  7. Answer: a) The children are playing in the park.
  8. Answer: a) There are two cars in the driveway.
  9. Answer: a) They have finished their
