Activities for active and passive voice with answers

Activities for active and passive voice with answers

Activities for active and passive voice with answers
Activities for active and passive voice with answers


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Activity 1: Identify whether the following sentences are in active or passive voice:

  1. The book was read by Mary. (Passive)
  2. Sarah sings a song. (Active)
  3. The cake is baked by the baker. (Passive)
  4. The dog chased the cat. (Active)
  5. A new movie was watched by them. (Passive)

Activity 2: Rewrite the following active voice sentences into passive voice:

  1. The chef prepared a delicious meal. Passive: A delicious meal was prepared by the chef.
  2. The gardener plants flowers in the garden. Passive: Flowers are planted in the garden by the gardener.
  3. The teacher will teach the lesson tomorrow. Passive: The lesson will be taught by the teacher tomorrow.
  4. They are painting the house. Passive: The house is being painted by them.
  5. The scientist discovered a new species of butterfly. Passive: A new species of butterfly was discovered by the scientist.

Activity 3: Rewrite the following passive voice sentences into active voice:

  1. The report was written by the manager. Active: The manager wrote the report.
  2. The cake was eaten by the children. Active: The children ate the cake.
  3. The movie was watched by thousands of people. Active: Thousands of people watched the movie.
  4. The letter will be delivered by the mail carrier. Active: The mail carrier will deliver the letter.
  5. The trophy has been won by our team. Active: Our team has won the trophy.

Activity 4: Choose the correct voice (active or passive) for each sentence:

  1. The letter (was/will be) mailed by me tomorrow. Correct Answer: will be
  2. The cat (chased/is being chased) by the dog. Correct Answer: is being chased
  3. The cake (was baked/bakes) by the baker. Correct Answer: was baked
  4. The concert (will be/was) attended by many fans. Correct Answer: was
  5. She (reads/is read) a book every night. Correct Answer: reads

Activity 5: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in either active or passive voice:

  1. The trees __________ (plant) by the workers yesterday. Answer: were planted
  2. The music __________ (play) by the band at the party. Answer: was played
  3. The keys __________ (lose) by someone in the park. Answer: were lost
  4. The project __________ (complete) by our team ahead of schedule. Answer: was completed
  5. The news __________ (announce) by the mayor in the morning. Answer: was announced

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