Conditional Questions/Activities with answer keys PART II

Conditional Questions/Activities with answer keys PART II

Conditional Questions/Activities with answer keys PART II
Conditional Questions/Activities with answer keys PART II

1. Which type of conditional sentence describes scientific facts or generally known truths?

  • A) First Conditional
  • B) Second Conditional
  • C) Zero Conditional
  • D) Third Conditional

2. What is the correct structure for a Type 2 Conditional sentence?

  • A) If + past simple, ... will + infinitive
  • B) If + present simple, ... would + infinitive
  • C) If + past simple, ... would + infinitive
  • D) If + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle

3. In which conditional sentence type is the outcome likely (but not guaranteed) to happen in the future?

  • A) Zero Conditional
  • B) First Conditional
  • C) Second Conditional
  • D) Third Conditional

4. Which conditional sentence type is used to express hypothetical situations that are completely unrealistic or unlikely to happen in the future?

  • A) First Conditional
  • B) Second Conditional
  • C) Third Conditional
  • D) Zero Conditional

5. What is the structure for a Type 3 Conditional sentence?

  • A) If + present simple, ... present simple
  • B) If + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle
  • C) If + past simple, ... would + infinitive
  • D) If + present simple, ... will + infinitive

6. Which conditional is used to express situations that cannot exist, such as actions or events that happened in the past?

  • A) First Conditional
  • B) Second Conditional
  • C) Third Conditional
  • D) Zero Conditional

7. 'Mixed Conditionals' are used for:

  • A) Describing known facts
  • B) Expressing real and possible situations in the future
  • C) Situations where the condition emphasizes the result of the action in the present or the present-day condition emphasizes the result of the action in the past
  • D) Unreal situations with regard to the present or future


  1. C) Zero Conditional​ (Grammarly: Free AI Writing Assistance)​​ (Preply)​​ (Perfect English Grammar)​
  2. C) If + past simple, ... would + infinitive​ (Grammarly: Free AI Writing Assistance)​​ (Preply)​​ (Perfect English Grammar)​
  3. B) First Conditional​ (Grammarly: Free AI Writing Assistance)​​ (Preply)​​ (Perfect English Grammar)​
  4. B) Second Conditional​ (Grammarly: Free AI Writing Assistance)​​ (Preply)​​ (Perfect English Grammar)​
  5. B) If + past perfect, ... would + have + past participle​ (Grammarly: Free AI Writing Assistance)​​ (Preply)​​ (Perfect English Grammar)​
  6. C) Third Conditional​ (Grammarly: Free AI Writing Assistance)​​ (Preply)​​ (Perfect English Grammar)​
  7. C) Situations where the condition emphasizes the result of the action in the present or the present-day condition emphasizes the result of the action in the past​ (Preply)


Complete the sentences.

1) If she had followed____ (follow) my advice, she would have arrived earlier.

2) If I had checked the bill, I _____________________________ (see) the mistake.

3) If we ___________________________ (not / meet) him in the street, we would have got lost.

4) If I had been one hour late, ________________________________ (she / wait) for me?

5) You would have got the job if you ________________________________ (not / behave) so


6) If they had invited you to the party, __________________________________ (you / go)?

7) We would have stayed longer if we __________________________________ (have) time.

8) If he hadn’t panicked, the dog ___________________________________ (not / bite) him.

9) She ________________________________ (have) better results if she had trained harder.

10) If he ________________________________ (be) in my place, would he have done the same thing?

29. Read and write Third Conditional sentences.

1) Helen forgot to make an appointment at the hairdresser’s. She cut her hair herself. She looked

awful at the party.

____If she hadn’t forgotten to make an appointment at the hairdresser’s, she wouldn’t have cut her

hair herself. If she hadn’t cut her hair herself, she wouldn’t have looked awful at the party.________

2) Peter ate three bars of chocolate. He had a terrible stomach ache. He couldn’t go to the cinema

with Stanley and Leslie.




3) Mary sat in the sun too long. She was red and sore. She didn’t enjoy herself at the barbecue that





4) Pauline watched TV until three o’clock in the morning! She was late for the school bus. She missed

the school excursion.




5) Mr Davis tried to lift a heavy suitcase. He hurt his back. He couldn’t play golf.




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ENGLISH GRAMMAR Conditional Sentences

30. Complete the sentences and decide which type of Conditional Sentence it is.

1) If I ____had______ (have) lots of money, I would sail round the world. 2__

2) If my sister _____________________ (see) this puppy, she will love it. ____

3) If I ________________________ (pack) the suitcases myself, I wouldn’t have left my swimsuit. ____

4) We _______________________________ (can / sit) in the garden if the weather were nicer. ____

5) _________________________________ (Fred / be) bored if you had taken him to the opera? ____

6) I ________________________________ (wait) for you outside the cinema if I arrive early. ____

7) Val and Cherie would move if they __________________________ (can / find) a better house. ____

8) I ________________________________ (tell) him my name if he had asked. ____

9) If the children want to go to the zoo, _____________________________ (Dad /take) them? ____

10) If the job ___________________________ (be) interesting, would you work for this company? ____

11) They wouldn’t have believed him if he ____________________________ (tell) them the truth. ____

12) She would be upset if her best friend ______________________ (not / come) to her wedding.

Complete the sentences:

  1. If she had followed my advice, she would have arrived earlier.
  2. If I had checked the bill, I would have seen the mistake.
  3. If we had not met him in the street, we would have got lost.
  4. If I had been one hour late, would she have waited for me?
  5. You would have got the job if you had not behaved so foolishly.
  6. If they had invited you to the party, would you have gone?
  7. We would have stayed longer if we had had time.
  8. If he hadn’t panicked, the dog would not have bitten him.
  9. She would have had better results if she had trained harder.
  10. If he had been in my place, would he have done the same thing?

Read and write Third Conditional sentences:

  1. If Peter hadn’t eaten three bars of chocolate, he wouldn’t have had a terrible stomach ache. If he hadn’t had a terrible stomach ache, he could have gone to the cinema with Stanley and Leslie.
  2. If Mary hadn’t sat in the sun too long, she wouldn’t have been red and sore. If she hadn’t been red and sore, she would have enjoyed herself at the barbecue that evening.
  3. If Pauline hadn’t watched TV until three o’clock in the morning, she wouldn’t have been late for the school bus. If she hadn’t missed the school bus, she wouldn’t have missed the school excursion.
  4. If Mr Davis hadn’t tried to lift a heavy suitcase, he wouldn’t have hurt his back. If he hadn’t hurt his back, he could have played golf.

Complete the sentences and decide which type of Conditional Sentence it is:

  1. If my sister sees this puppy, she will love it. First Conditional
  2. If I had packed the suitcases myself, I wouldn’t have left my swimsuit. Third Conditional
  3. We could sit in the garden if the weather were nicer. Second Conditional
  4. Would Fred be bored if you had taken him to the opera? Third Conditional
  5. I will wait for you outside the cinema if I arrive early. First Conditional
  6. Val and Cherie would move if they could find a better house. Second Conditional
  7. I would have told him my name if he had asked. Third Conditional
  8. If the children want to go to the zoo, will Dad take them? First Conditional
  9. If the job were interesting, would you work for this company? Second Conditional
  10. They wouldn’t have believed him if he had told them the truth. Third Conditional
  11. She would be upset if her best friend did not come to her wedding. Second Conditional

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