Conditional Questions/Activities with answer keys


Each question provides a sentence with a blank, and your task is to choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence:

  1. What would you do if it __________ on your wedding day?
    • A) rained
    • B) will rain
    • C) would rain
  2. If I eat peanut butter, I __________ sick.
    • A) would have gotten
    • B) would get
    • C) get
  3. If you __________ this medication, you __________ well.
    • A) take; will get
    • B) took; would get
    • C) taken; would have got
  4. If I __________ you, I __________ give her a special gift on her birthday.
    • A) were; would
    • B) am; would
    • C) were; will
  5. If you __________ the test perfectly, you __________ a special gift from your parents.
    • A) complete; get
    • B) completed; got
    • C) complete; will get
  6. John will __________ your house if he gets important information for you about the project.
    • A) go for
    • B) go to
    • C) goes
  7. If I __________ beautiful and tall, I __________ sign up to be a model.
    • A) am; will
    • B) were; would
    • C) are; would
  8. If your computer __________, you will lose unsaved work.
    • A) crashes
    • B) crashed
    • C) had crashed
  9. My mother would not go to my uncle's house if my uncle __________ my mother's call.
    • A) had receive
    • B) received
    • C) receives
  10. The soccer goalie from PERSELA, Khoirul Huda, would not be given a red card if he __________ hit other players.
    • A) will
    • B) would
    • C) did not

Here are the answers to the multiple-choice quiz on conditional sentences:

      What would you do if it __________ on your wedding day?

      Correct Answer: A) rained​ (​

If I eat peanut butter, I __________ sick.

      Correct Answer: B) would get​ (​

If you __________ this medication, you __________ well.

      Correct Answer: A) take; will get​ (English Grammar)​

If I __________ you, I __________ give her a special gift on her birthday.

      Correct Answer: A) were; would​ (ProProfs)​

If you __________ the test perfectly, you __________ a special gift from your parents. Correct Answer: C) complete; will get​ (ProProfs)​

John will __________ your house if he gets important information for you about the project.


Correct Answer: B) go to​ (ProProfs)​

If I __________ beautiful and tall, I __________ sign up to be a model.

Correct Answer: B) were; would​ (ProProfs)​

If your computer __________, you will lose unsaved work.

Correct Answer: A) crashes​ (English Grammar)​

My mother would not go to my uncle's house if my uncle __________ my mother's call.

Correct Answer: B) received​ (ProProfs)​

The soccer goalie from PERSELA, Khoirul Huda, would not be given a red card if he __________ hit other players.

Correct Answer: C) did not​ (ProProfs)



Identify type sentence

1.        If it rains, we will cancel the outdoor picnic.

  1. If I were taller, I could reach the top shelf.
  2. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green.
  3. If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.
  4. If you don't water the plants, they will die.
  5. If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
  6. If she eats too much candy, she will get a stomachache.
  7. If they had left earlier, they wouldn't have missed the train.
  8. If you heat ice, it melts.
  9. If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake.
  10. If I see him, I will tell him you called.
  11. If I were a bird, I would fly to the highest mountain.
  12. If you mix red and white, you get pink.
  13. If she had enough money, she would buy a new car.
  14. If it snows tomorrow, school will be canceled.
  15. If I had a time machine, I would visit ancient Rome.
  16. If you touch fire, you will get burned.
  17. If we don't leave now, we will miss the movie.
  18. If I were president, I would make education free for everyone.
  19. If they don't hurry, they will miss the bus.


  1. If it rains, we will cancel the outdoor picnic. (First conditional)
  2. If I were taller, I could reach the top shelf. (Second conditional)
  3. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. (Zero conditional)
  4. If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam. (Third conditional)
  5. If you don't water the plants, they will die. (First conditional)
  6. If I won the lottery, I would travel the world. (Second conditional)
  7. If she eats too much candy, she will get a stomachache. (First conditional)
  8. If they had left earlier, they wouldn't have missed the train. (Third conditional)
  9. If you heat ice, it melts. (Zero conditional)
  10. If I had known you were coming, I would have baked a cake. (Third conditional)
  11. If I see him, I will tell him you called. (First conditional)
  12. If I were a bird, I would fly to the highest mountain. (Second conditional)
  13. If you mix red and white, you get pink. (Zero conditional)
  14. If she had enough money, she would buy a new car. (Third conditional)
  15. If it snows tomorrow, school will be canceled. (First conditional)
  16. If I had a time machine, I would visit ancient Rome. (Second conditional)
  17. If you touch fire, you will get burned. (Zero conditional)
  18. If we don't leave now, we will miss the movie. (First conditional)
  19. If I were president, I would make education free for everyone. (Second conditional)
  20. If they don't hurry, they will miss the bus. (First conditional)

Formative Assessment

Activity 3.1.

Fill in the blanks to create first conditional sentences.

1. If I have time today, _______________________.

2. If there is a lot of traffic tonight, _________________________.

3. If my boss asks me to stay late, __________________________.

4. ______________________________, I’ll do it.

5. _______________________________, he’ll probably say yes.

6. People might get angry if __________________________________________.

7. I’ll be able to _____________, if _____________________.

8. I’ll have to _____________, if ______________________.

Notice that we can’t say “I’ll can” or “I’ll must.”

Activity 3.2.

Fill in the blanks to create second conditional sentences.

1. If I had my boss’s job, ________________________________________.

2. If we had fewer meetings, _____________________________________.

3. ________________________________________ if I could work from home.

4. ____________________________________ if I were a recent college graduate.

5. ______________________________________, I’d be more productive.

6. ____________________________________, I might start my own business.

7. ________________________________________, I could relax a little more.

8. If the retirement age were 70, _____________________________________.

9. _________________________________________________, I could retire.

10. If I took a career break, ______________________________________


Activity 3.1: First Conditional Sentences

  1. If I have time today, I'll go for a walk in the park.
  2. If there is a lot of traffic tonight, I'll be late for dinner.
  3. If my boss asks me to stay late, I'll stay and finish the project.
  4. If it's sunny tomorrow, I’ll do it.
  5. If you ask nicely, he’ll probably say yes.
  6. People might get angry if you talk loudly during the movie.
  7. I’ll be able to join the meeting, if I finish this report on time.
  8. I’ll have to cancel my plans, if I get called into work.

Activity 3.2: Second Conditional Sentences

  1. If I had my boss’s job, I would implement more flexible working hours.
  2. If we had fewer meetings, we could focus more on our tasks.
  3. I would be happier if I could work from home.
  4. I would apply for more jobs if I were a recent college graduate.
  5. If I had more free time, I’d be more productive.
  6. If I had enough capital, I might start my own business.
  7. If I lived closer to the beach, I could relax a little more.
  8. If the retirement age were 70, I would consider working longer.
  9. If I had enough savings, I could retire.
  10. If I took a career break, I could pursue further education.



Activity 01

Put the verbs into the correct form

1. They would be hurt if I ________________- to see them (not/go)

2. If you got more exercise, you __________________ better (feel)

3. If they offered me the job, I think I _______________(it) take

4. I’m sure Amy will lend you the money. I’d be very surprised if she ___________(refuse)

5. If I sold my car, I ______________ much money for it (not/ get)

6. A lot of people would be out of work if the factory_______(close down)

7. (in an elevator) What would happen if I _________that red button? (press)

8. Liz gave me this ring. She _______very upset if I lost it. (be)

9. Dave and Kate are expecting us. They would be disappointed if we __________(not/


10. Would Bob mind if I ________-his book without asking him? (borrow)

11. If somebody___________in here with a gun, I’d b e very scared (walk)

12. I’m sure Sue________________if you explained the situation to her (understand)

13. If I _______________________ his phone number, I would call him (know)

14. I _________________________________ that coat if I were you (not/ buy)

15. I___________________you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t (help)

16. We would need less money if we ___________in the country (live)

17. If we had the choice, we ___________________ in the country (live)

18. This soup isn’t very good. It _______________better if it weren’t so salty (taste)

19. I wouldn’t mind living in Maine if the weather _______________- better (be)

20. If I were you, I ___________________- (not/wait) I ___________now (go)

21. You’re always tired. If you ______________________ to bed so late every night, you

wouldn’t be tired all the time (not/go)

22. I think there are too many cars. If there ___________________ so many cars (not/ be)

there _____________- so much pollution (not/be)

23. I didn’t know you were in the hospital. If ________________________(I/know),

________________(I / go) to see you.

24. John got to the station in time to catch his train. If _____________________(he/miss)

it, ________________________(he/be) late for his interview.

25. I’m glad that you reminded me about Rachel’s birthday.

________________________(I/forget) if _________________(you/not/remind) me.

26. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my address book with me when I was on vacation. If

_______________________(I/have) your address, ___________________-(I/ send)

you a postcard.

27. I’m not tired. If ______________________(I/be) tired, I’d go home now.

Activity 02

Write a sentence with if for each situation:

1. We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away.

2. That book is too expensive, so I’m not going to buy it.

3. We don’t go out very often because we can’t afford it.

4. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch on the patio.

5. I have to work late tomorrow, so I can’t meet you for dinner.

6. I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anything.

7. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.

8. I didn’t know that matt had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him up.

9. I was able to buy the car only because Jim lent me the money.

10. Michelle wasn’t injured in the accident because she was wearing a seat belt.

11. You didn’t have any breakfast—that’s why you’re hungry now.




Activity 01 : Correct Forms of Verbs

  1. did not go
  2. would feel
  3. would take
  4. refused
  5. would not get
  6. closed down
  7. pressed
  8. would be
  9. did not come
  10. borrowed
  11. walked
  12. would understand
  13. knew
  14. would not buy
  15. would help
  16. lived
  17. would live
  18. would taste
  19. were
  20. would not wait, would go
  21. did not go
  22. were not, would not be
  23. had known, would have gone
  24. had missed, would have been
  25. would have forgotten, had not reminded
  26. had had, would have sent
  27. were, would go

Activity 02: Sentences with "if"

  1. If you didn't live so far away, we would visit you more often.
  2. If that book weren't so expensive, I would buy it.
  3. If we could afford it, we would go out more often.
  4. If it weren't raining, we could have lunch on the patio.
  5. If I didn't have to work late tomorrow, I could meet you for dinner.
  6. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.
  7. If the driver in front hadn't stopped so suddenly, the accident wouldn't have happened.
  8. If I had known that Matt had to get up early, I would have woken him up.
  9. If Jim hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to buy the car.
  10. If Michelle hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she might have been injured in the accident.
  11. If you had had breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now.







Rewrite these sentences using UNLESS.

1) We won’t buy any fish today if it isn’t cheaper than yesterday.

___We won’t buy any fish today unless it is cheaper than yesterday._______________________

2) If you don’t go to the party, they’ll be disappointed.


3) I can’t help her if she doesn’t want to talk to me.


4) If it doesn’t stop raining, we’ll stay at home.


5) If he doesn’t go to the post office, he won’t buy the stamps.


6) George won’t come out of hospital if he doesn’t feel better.


4. Complete the following sentences.

1) If we don’t hurry, we ___will be____________ (be) late.

2) If I see her, I _____________________ (give) her your message.

3) If you’re hungry, I _____________________ (make) you a sandwich.

4) If he _____________________ (not/come) to the party, I will be very upset.

5) If she ____________________ (go) to Paris, she’ll send me a postcard.

6) If we _____________________ (not/be) busy, we’ll come with you.

7) If he does that again, dad ____________________ (be) very angry.

8) If he ______________________ (not/finish) his homework, he won’t go out.

9) If he ______________________ (come), I’ll talk to him.

10) If she _______________________ (hurry), she won’t be late.

11) If it rains, we ___________________ (not/go) out.

12) If they are late, they ______________________ (miss) the bus.

5. Complete with the First Conditional.

1) If I ___am not_________ (not/be) busy, I __will come____ (come) with you.

2) If it __________________ (rain), we __________________ (stay) at home.

3) I ____________________ (call) you if I ___________________ (have) time.

4) If she ___________________ (not/study) hard, she ____________________ (not/pass) the test.

5) If the weather ___________________ (be) nice, we ___________________ (go) to the beach.

6) You ______________________ (get) fat if you ___________________ (not/stop) eating so much.

7) If I ______________________ (see) John, I ______________________ (tell) him about the party.

8) Mum _______________________ (be) very angry if I ____________________ (not/tidy) my room.

9) If we _______________________ (not/leave) now, we _____________________ (miss) the bus.

10) You ________________________ (not/go) to the party if you _________________ (not/do) your

Homework :

6. Match and make sentences.

1) wear a coat a) get wet

2) go to bed late b) have an accident

3) touch that hot pan c) not be cold

4) take an aspirin d) be tired tomorrow

5) not take an umbrella with you e) feel better

6) not hurry f) burn yourself

7) drive too fast g) lose it

8) leave your bag here h) be late

1) If you _wear a coat, you aren’t cold.____________________________________________________

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR Conditional Sentences

2) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

3) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

4) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

5) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

6) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

7) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

8) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

7. Match and write Zero Conditional sentences.

1) you mix blue and yellow a) it rains

2) clouds meet cold air b) you feel thirsty

3) there is no gravity c) water freezes

4) you do not eat d) objects do not fall

5) a cat falls from a height e) it lands on its feet

6) you do not sleep well f) you get green

7) it is hot g) you lose weight

8) the temperature falls below 0ºC h) you feel tired

1) When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.___________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________________

4) _________________________________________________________________________________

5) _________________________________________________________________________________

6) _________________________________________________________________________________

7) _________________________________________________________________________________

8) _________________________________________________________________________________

8. Complete the sentences.

1) If Liam _____doesn’t shave_______ (not/shave) off his beard, Sharon won’t go out with him.

2) Will you take me with you if you _______________________________ (go) to the beach?

3) If Kelly invites me to the party, I _______________________________ (go).

4) The man will hurt himself if he _______________________________ (jump) from that height.

5) If you clear up this mess now, I ______________________________ (not/tell) Mum.

6) ____________________________________ (you/look) after my dog if I go away on holiday?

7) If they ______________________________ (not/come) out of the sun, they will get burnt!

8) Rosie will get into trouble is she _______________________________ (not/go) home soon.

9) If Peter __________________________________ (not/like) the sweater, will Mrs Hardy give it to


10) He ______________________________ (stay) for lunch if she asks him.

9. Read, choose and complete.

1) If Mr Barnes ______comes_______________, tell him I’m in a meeting.

2) If you have time, ________________________ a hundred copies of this document.

Today it is Jenny’s first day at work. Complete the list of notes her boss has left for her.


3) If you don’t need the store room keys, ______________________ them to Mark.

4) If you ________________________ the cleaners, ask them to do the windows downstairs.

5) If visitors __________________________ an appointment, don’t send them to my office.

6) If you finish the letters, _________________________ them. I want to see them first.

10. Read, choose and complete.

1) If Fiona is lucky, she __may get a small part in a film__________________________. (may)

2) If you’re tired, you _____________________________________________________. (should)

3) If we catch a lot of fish, we __________________________________________________. (could)

4) If you go to the park now, you _________________________________________________. (might)

5) If you are thirsty, I _____________________________________________________. (can)

6) If you like comedies, you ___________________________________________________. (must)

7) If Tricia is in our town, she ____________________________________________________. (may)

8) If the work is difficult, I ______________________________________________________. (might)

11. Circle the correct answer.

1) If / Unless he apologises, I’ll never speak to him again.

2) If / Unless you are not on time, they’ll leave without you.

3) Stanley won’t be able to finish the article if / unless Leslie doesn’t help him.

4) If / Unless she doesn’t tidy her room, her mother will be angry.

5) We’ll go to the beach tomorrow if / unless it rains.

6) If / Unless I finish my homework, I can’t come out with you.

7) We won’t have anything to eat if / unless we don’t go to the supermarket.

12. Rewrite these sentences using the word given.

1) If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late for school. (unless)

___Unless we leave now, we’ll be late for school._________________________________________

2) Unless they stop that noise, I’ll call the police. (if)


3) She won’t find tickets for the concert if she doesn’t book them soon. (unless)


4) If I don’t borrow Patrick’s lawn mower, it will take me ages to cut the grass. (unless)


5) The mirror will fall unless you use a strong nail. (if)


6) Unless it rains, we’ll go to the football match. (if)


7) They’ll stay in a hotel if their relatives don’t have a spare room. (unless)


8) Unless you remind me, I’ll forget to post the letter. (if)


Rewrite these sentences using UNLESS.

1) We won’t buy any fish today if it isn’t cheaper than yesterday.

___We won’t buy any fish today unless it is cheaper than yesterday._______________________

2) If you don’t go to the party, they’ll be disappointed.


3) I can’t help her if she doesn’t want to talk to me.


4) If it doesn’t stop raining, we’ll stay at home.


5) If he doesn’t go to the post office, he won’t buy the stamps.


6) George won’t come out of hospital if he doesn’t feel better.


4. Complete the following sentences.

1) If we don’t hurry, we ___will be____________ (be) late.

2) If I see her, I _____________________ (give) her your message.

3) If you’re hungry, I _____________________ (make) you a sandwich.

4) If he _____________________ (not/come) to the party, I will be very upset.

5) If she ____________________ (go) to Paris, she’ll send me a postcard.

6) If we _____________________ (not/be) busy, we’ll come with you.

7) If he does that again, dad ____________________ (be) very angry.

8) If he ______________________ (not/finish) his homework, he won’t go out.

9) If he ______________________ (come), I’ll talk to him.

10) If she _______________________ (hurry), she won’t be late.

11) If it rains, we ___________________ (not/go) out.

12) If they are late, they ______________________ (miss) the bus.

5. Complete with the First Conditional.

1) If I ___am not_________ (not/be) busy, I __will come____ (come) with you.

2) If it __________________ (rain), we __________________ (stay) at home.

3) I ____________________ (call) you if I ___________________ (have) time.

4) If she ___________________ (not/study) hard, she ____________________ (not/pass) the test.

5) If the weather ___________________ (be) nice, we ___________________ (go) to the beach.

6) You ______________________ (get) fat if you ___________________ (not/stop) eating so much.

7) If I ______________________ (see) John, I ______________________ (tell) him about the party.

8) Mum _______________________ (be) very angry if I ____________________ (not/tidy) my room.

9) If we _______________________ (not/leave) now, we _____________________ (miss) the bus.

10) You ________________________ (not/go) to the party if you _________________ (not/do) your


6. Match and make sentences.

1) wear a coat a) get wet

2) go to bed late b) have an accident

3) touch that hot pan c) not be cold

4) take an aspirin d) be tired tomorrow

5) not take an umbrella with you e) feel better

6) not hurry f) burn yourself

7) drive too fast g) lose it

8) leave your bag here h) be late

1) If you _wear a coat, you aren’t cold.____________________________________________________

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ENGLISH GRAMMAR Conditional Sentences

2) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

3) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

4) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

5) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

6) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

7) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

8) If you ____________________________________________________________________________

7. Match and write Zero Conditional sentences.

1) you mix blue and yellow a) it rains

2) clouds meet cold air b) you feel thirsty

3) there is no gravity c) water freezes

4) you do not eat d) objects do not fall

5) a cat falls from a height e) it lands on its feet

6) you do not sleep well f) you get green

7) it is hot g) you lose weight

8) the temperature falls below 0ºC h) you feel tired

1) When you mix blue and yellow, you get green.___________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________________________

3) _________________________________________________________________________________

4) _________________________________________________________________________________

5) _________________________________________________________________________________

6) _________________________________________________________________________________

7) _________________________________________________________________________________

8) _________________________________________________________________________________

8. Complete the sentences.

1) If Liam _____doesn’t shave_______ (not/shave) off his beard, Sharon won’t go out with him.

2) Will you take me with you if you _______________________________ (go) to the beach?

3) If Kelly invites me to the party, I _______________________________ (go).

4) The man will hurt himself if he _______________________________ (jump) from that height.

5) If you clear up this mess now, I ______________________________ (not/tell) Mum.

6) ____________________________________ (you/look) after my dog if I go away on holiday?

7) If they ______________________________ (not/come) out of the sun, they will get burnt!

8) Rosie will get into trouble is she _______________________________ (not/go) home soon.

9) If Peter __________________________________ (not/like) the sweater, will Mrs Hardy give it to


10) He ______________________________ (stay) for lunch if she asks him.

9. Read, choose and complete.

1) If Mr Barnes ______comes_______________, tell him I’m in a meeting.

2) If you have time, ________________________ a hundred copies of this document.

Today it is Jenny’s first day at work. Complete the list of notes her boss has left for her.


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3) If you don’t need the store room keys, ______________________ them to Mark.

4) If you ________________________ the cleaners, ask them to do the windows downstairs.

5) If visitors __________________________ an appointment, don’t send them to my office.

6) If you finish the letters, _________________________ them. I want to see them first.

10. Read, choose and complete.

1) If Fiona is lucky, she __may get a small part in a film__________________________. (may)

2) If you’re tired, you _____________________________________________________. (should)

3) If we catch a lot of fish, we __________________________________________________. (could)

4) If you go to the park now, you _________________________________________________. (might)

5) If you are thirsty, I _____________________________________________________. (can)

6) If you like comedies, you ___________________________________________________. (must)

7) If Tricia is in our town, she ____________________________________________________. (may)

8) If the work is difficult, I ______________________________________________________. (might)

11. Circle the correct answer.

1) If / Unless he apologises, I’ll never speak to him again.

2) If / Unless you are not on time, they’ll leave without you.

3) Stanley won’t be able to finish the article if / unless Leslie doesn’t help him.

4) If / Unless she doesn’t tidy her room, her mother will be angry.

5) We’ll go to the beach tomorrow if / unless it rains.

6) If / Unless I finish my homework, I can’t come out with you.

7) We won’t have anything to eat if / unless we don’t go to the supermarket.

12. Rewrite these sentences using the word given.

1) If we don’t leave now, we’ll be late for school. (unless)

___Unless we leave now, we’ll be late for school._________________________________________

2) Unless they stop that noise, I’ll call the police. (if)


3) She won’t find tickets for the concert if she doesn’t book them soon. (unless)


4) If I don’t borrow Patrick’s lawn mower, it will take me ages to cut the grass. (unless)


5) The mirror will fall unless you use a strong nail. (if)


6) Unless it rains, we’ll go to the football match. (if)


7) They’ll stay in a hotel if their relatives don’t have a spare room. (unless)


8) Unless you remind me, I’ll forget to post the letter. (if)

Rewritten sentences using "UNLESS":

  1. They’ll be disappointed unless you go to the party.
  2. I can’t help her unless she wants to talk to me.
  3. We’ll stay at home unless it stops raining.
  4. He won’t buy the stamps unless he goes to the post office.
  5. George won’t come out of the hospital unless he feels better.

Completion of the sentences:

4. Complete the following sentences.

  1. If I see her, I will give her your message.
  2. If you’re hungry, I will make you a sandwich.
  3. If he does not come to the party, I will be very upset.
  4. If she goes to Paris, she’ll send me a postcard.
  5. If we are not busy, we’ll come with you.
  6. If he does that again, dad will be very angry.
  7. If he does not finish his homework, he won’t go out.
  8. If he comes, I’ll talk to him.
  9. If she hurries, she won’t be late.
  10. If it rains, we will not go out.
  11. If they are late, they will miss the bus.

5. Complete with the First Conditional.

  1. If it rains, we will stay at home.
  2. I will call you if I have time.
  3. If she does not study hard, she will not pass the test.
  4. If the weather is nice, we will go to the beach.
  5. You will get fat if you do not stop eating so much.
  6. If I see John, I will tell him about the party.
  7. Mum will be very angry if I do not tidy my room.
  8. If we do not leave now, we will miss the bus.
  9. You will not go to the party if you do not do your homework.

6. Match and make sentences.

  1. If you go to bed late, you will be tired tomorrow.
  2. If you touch that hot pan, you will burn yourself.
  3. If you take an aspirin, you will feel better.
  4. If you do not take an umbrella with you, you will get wet.
  5. If you do not hurry, you will be late.
  6. If you drive too fast, you might have an accident.
  7. If you leave your bag here, you might lose it.

7. Match and write Zero Conditional sentences.

  1. When clouds meet cold air, it rains.
  2. If there is no gravity, objects do not fall.
  3. If you do not eat, you lose weight.
  4. When a cat falls from a height, it lands on its feet.
  5. If you do not sleep well, you feel tired.
  6. When it is hot, you feel thirsty.
  7. If the temperature falls below 0ºC, water freezes.

12. Rewrite these sentences using the word given.

  1. If they don’t stop that noise, I’ll call the police.
  2. Unless she books them soon, she won’t find tickets for the concert.
  3. Unless I borrow Patrick’s lawn mower, it will take me ages to cut the grass.
  4. If you don’t use a strong nail, the mirror will fall.
  5. If it doesn’t rain, we’ll go to the football match.
  6. Unless their relatives have a spare room, they’ll stay in a hotel.
  7. If you don’t remind me, I’ll forget to post the letter.

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