Group the following words according to the vowel sound they contain/UFC-phonetics.

Group the following words according to the vowel sound they contain/UFC-phonetics.

Group the following words according to the vowel sound they contain/UFC-phonetics.
Group the following words according to the vowel sound they contain/UFC-phonetics.

Task 3

Group the following words according to the vowel sound they contain. Words with the same vowel sound in the same group.

Each  Blue  Tray  Flight  Worry  Hous

Straw  Soup  Sixty  Shirt  Ought  Tale

Bicycle  Ugly  Found  Learn  Eight  June

Mouse  Tale   Caught  Ill  Quiet  Bee

Word with IPA Sounds:

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ˈiːt͡ʃ (each)///  blˈuː (Blue)/// tɹˈe͡ɪ (Tray)  /// flˈaɪt(flight) //wˈʌɹi (Worry)///haʊs(House)
stɹˈɔː (straw)/// sˈuːp(Soup) /// sˈɪksti(Sixty) /// ʃˈɜːt(Shirt) /// ˈɔːt (Ought)/// tˈeɪl(Tale)
bˈa͡ɪsɪkə͡l (Bicycle)/// ˈʌɡli(Ugly)/// fˈaʊnd(Found) /// lˈɜːn(learn)//ˈe͡ɪt(Eight)/// d͡ʒˈuːn(June) ///mˈa͡ʊs(Mouse)///(Tale)tˈe͡ɪl /// kˈɔːt (Caught)/// ˈɪl(ill)///kwˈa ət(Quiet)/// bˈiː(Bee)


1)Gr n°01( /I/) :  Sixty,ill.
2)Gr n°02( /ɔː/) : Caught, ought,Straw
3)Gr n°03( /aʊ/) : Found, Mouse,House
4)Gr n°04( /ʌ/) : Worry, Ugly.
5)Gr n°05( /ɜː/) : Shirt, learn
6)Gr n°06( /aɪ/) :Flight, Bicycle, Quite.
7)Gr n°07( /eɪ/) : Tray,.Eight, Tale.
8)Gr n°07( /iː/) : each, Bee.
9)Gr n°07( /uː/) :  June, Soup,Blue

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