Human and Social Sciences activities, Simple QSM

Human and Social Sciences activities, Simple QSM

Human and social sciences
According to the handout shared online, complete the statements below (1-10) by circling the right option.

According to the handout shared online, complete the statements below (1-10) by circling the right option.

n°01)-«The academic discipline that deals with humans, society, and culture in terms of philosophical and spiritual aspects>> is the definition of:

  1. Humanities
  2. Social Sciences

n°02)-The subjects of the field are more scientific and experimental.

  1. Humanities
  2. Social Sciences

n°03)-The focus is more on emotions and feelings that the system employed.

  1. Humanities
  2. Social Sciences

n°04)-The study of issues is in a systematic and a scientific way.

  1. Humanities
  2. SocialSciences

n°05)-The field is more subjective since It relies on experience, feelings, assumptions, and philosophy.

  1. a)-Humanities
  2. b)Social science

n°06)-... produces and generates new knowledge and facts.

  1. Humanities
  2. Social Sciences

n°07)-The core of knowledge about human condition.

  1. Humanities
  2. Social Sciences

n°08)-Social science as a general term for all the sciences which are concerned with the human affairs>>; This quote belongs to:

  1. Fairchild
  2. Peter Lewis Mitchell

n°09)-«Social sciences are concerned with the laws govern society the social department of man»>; quote belongs to:

  1. Seligman
  2. Fairchild
  3. Peter Lewis

n°10)-seek to reveal wisdom, understand spiritual aspects of men, and meet challenges in human life.

  1. Humanities
  2. Social Sciences

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