Installing Ghost CMS on shared hosting via cPanel is a relatively

Installing Ghost CMS on shared hosting via cPanel is a relatively straightforward process, and it allows you to set up a powerful and customizable publishing platform for your blog or website. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing Ghost CMS on your shared hosting server using cPanel.

**What is Ghost CMS?**

Ghost CMS is a popular open-source content management system designed for bloggers and publishers. It's known for its simplicity, speed, and adaptability. Installing Ghost on your shared hosting server gives you full control over your blog's design and content while benefiting from the resources and affordability of shared hosting.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

1. **Shared Hosting Account:** You should have access to a shared hosting account with cPanel. Most hosting providers offer cPanel as their control panel.

2. **Domain Name:** A registered domain name linked to your hosting account.

3. **FTP Client:** You might need an FTP client like FileZilla to transfer files if your hosting provider doesn't allow direct file uploads.

4. **SSH Access (Optional):** Some hosting providers offer SSH access, which can make certain tasks easier, but it's not strictly necessary for this installation.

Now, let's proceed with the installation:

**Step 1: Download Ghost CMS**

1. Log in to your shared hosting cPanel.

2. Find the "File Manager" or "File Browser" option and open it.

3. Navigate to your website's root directory (usually named "public_html" or "www").

4. Create a new folder for your Ghost installation. You can name it "blog" or anything you prefer.

5. Download the latest version of Ghost CMS from the official website ( Choose the "ZIP" option.

6. Upload the downloaded ZIP file to the folder you created in step 4.

**Step 2: Extract Ghost CMS**

1. In the File Manager, select the ZIP file you uploaded.

2. Click on "Extract" in the top menu and choose the folder where you want to extract the Ghost CMS files. Usually, this is the same folder where you uploaded the ZIP file.

**Step 3: Configure the Database**

1. Return to your cPanel dashboard.

2. Find and open the "MySQL Database Wizard."

3. Create a new database for your Ghost installation and note down the database name, username, and password.

4. After creating the database, navigate to "MySQL Databases" in cPanel and add the database user to the database with appropriate privileges.

**Step 4: Configure Ghost**

1. In your File Manager, navigate to the Ghost installation folder (e.g., "public_html/blog").

2. Locate the `config.production.json` file in the "core" folder and edit it. You can use the built-in code editor in cPanel.

3. Update the database configuration section with the database name, username, and password you created earlier.

4. Save the changes and close the file.

**Step 5: Install Node.js and npm (If Required)**

Some shared hosting environments may not have Node.js and npm pre-installed. If that's the case, follow these steps:

1. Return to your cPanel dashboard.

2. Look for "Select PHP Version" or a similar option, and make sure Node.js and npm are enabled.

**Step 6: Install Ghost**

1. Open a terminal or SSH into your shared hosting account if you have SSH access.

2. Navigate to your Ghost installation directory (e.g., `public_html/blog`).

3. Run the following command to install Ghost: `npm install --production`.

4. Once the installation is complete, run: `npm start --production`.

Ghost CMS should now be up and running on your shared hosting server. You can access your blog by visiting your domain in a web browser.

**Step 7: Set Up Ghost**

1. Visit your website in a web browser.

2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the initial setup, including creating an admin account and configuring your blog's settings.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Ghost CMS on shared hosting via cPanel. You can now start creating and publishing content on your new Ghost-powered blog. Enjoy the flexibility and power of this minimalist content management system.

Installing Ghost CMS on a shared hosting server can be a bit more complex compared to traditional web hosting because Ghost is typically designed to run on a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or dedicated server due to its specific requirements. However, if your shared hosting plan allows for Node.js and custom server configurations, you can attempt to install Ghost CMS with the following steps:

1. **Check Hosting Requirements:**

- Ensure your shared hosting plan supports Node.js (at least version 12 or higher).

- Verify if you can access the command line or SSH on your hosting account.

2. **Access Your Hosting Account:**

- Log in to your shared hosting account through the control panel provided by your hosting provider.

3. **Create a Subdomain or Subdirectory:**

- Decide where you want to install Ghost CMS, either as a subdomain (e.g., or a subdirectory (e.g., Create it through your hosting control panel.

4. **SSH Access (if available):**

- If SSH access is available, use an SSH client (like PuTTY) to connect to your hosting account.

5. **Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager):**

- If not already available, follow the instructions provided by your hosting provider to install Node.js and npm.

6. **Download and Install Ghost CLI:**

- Run the following command to install the Ghost CLI globally:


npm install -g ghost-cli@latest


7. **Navigate to Your Installation Directory:**

- Use the `cd` command to navigate to your subdomain or subdirectory where you want to install Ghost CMS.

8. **Install Ghost:**

- Run the following command to install Ghost CMS:


ghost install


9. **Follow the Installation Wizard:**

- Ghost CLI will guide you through the installation process, including setting up a database, configuring your domain, and creating an admin user.

10. **Start Ghost:**

- Once the installation is complete, start Ghost with the following command:


ghost start


11. **Configure Your Web Server (if required):**

- Depending on your hosting setup, you may need to configure your web server (e.g., Apache or Nginx) to proxy requests to Ghost.

12. **Secure Your Site (HTTPS):**

- If needed, set up SSL/TLS to secure your Ghost site. Many hosting providers offer free SSL certificates.

Please note that installing Ghost CMS on shared hosting may be limited by the hosting provider's restrictions and performance. It's often recommended to consider using a hosting service specifically designed for Ghost or opting for a VPS or dedicated server for better control and performance. Always check your hosting provider's documentation and support for specific guidance.