Introduction to Legal Studies and Modernizing Legal Language

Introduction to Legal Studies and Modernizing Legal Language

Introduction to Legal Studies and Modernizing Legal Language
Introduction to Legal Studies and Modernizing Legal Language
  1. Legal English Basics - Lesson 1: Introduction to Legal Language
    • Overview of the intellectual and challenging nature of studying law
    • Duration of law degree programs in the UK and the USA (typically three years)
    • Core subjects in law programs, including criminal law, contract law, tort law, land law, equity and trusts, administrative law, and constitutional law
    • Importance of skills such as legal writing and legal research
  2. Career Paths in Law:
    • Tailoring coursework to future career goals, e.g., family law, employment law, housing law for solo practitioners in small towns
    • Specializations for those aspiring to work in large law practices, including company law, commercial law, litigation, and arbitration
  3. Exploring Legal Practice:
    • University courses on legal practice and experiential learning opportunities
    • Involvement in voluntary advice centers or law clinics for hands-on experience in legal work
  4. Language Skills in Legal Practice:
    • Importance of foreign language proficiency for those interested in commercial law
    • Hiring criteria for law firms: education, personality, work experience, and language ability
    • Emphasis on a good command of English in the international legal community
  5. Activity: 1.1
    • Engage in the provided activity related to the lesson content
  6. Company Law - Text B: Characteristics of a Company
    • Legal recognition of a company as a separate legal entity
    • Rights of a company to enter contracts, employ individuals, own property, and conduct business
    • Governance of companies under the Companies Act 1985 and 1989
    • Distinction between limited and unlimited liability companies
    • Requirements for public and private companies, including minimum share capital for public companies
  7. Conclusion:
    • Understanding the fundamentals of legal studies, including evaluation methods, legal language introduction, and insights into career paths and company law.

In this lesson, we will explore the transition from old-fashioned legal vocabulary to its modern equivalents. Understanding these changes is crucial for effective communication in legal documents. Let's examine some key terms and their contemporary alternatives:

Old-Fashioned Language - Modern Language

  1. Action - Claim
  2. Anton Piller Order - Search Order
  3. Discovery - Disclosure
  4. Ex Parte - Without Notice (to other parties)
  5. Inter-Partes Hearing - Hearing with Notice (to other party)
  6. Interlocutory Hearing - Interim Hearing (as opposed to final)
  7. Interrogatory - Request for Further Information
  8. Leave - Permission
  9. Mandamus Order - Mandatory Order
  10. Mareva Order (or Injunction) - Freezing Injunction
  11. Prohibition Order - Prohibiting Order
  12. Request for Further and Better Particulars - Request for Further Information
  13. Setting Down for Trial - Listing (Scheduling) for Trial
  14. Specific Discovery - Specific Disclosure
  15. Subpoena - Witness Summons
  16. Summons (to Commence Proceedings) - Claim Form
  17. Summons for Directions - Case Management Conference
  18. Thereafter / Thereinafter - Subsequently / Then
  19. Therein - Contained Within

Task: 2.3 Now, apply your understanding of modern legal language by completing Task 2.3, which involves comparing and updating old-fashioned legal terms.

Lesson 2: Agreements

Moving on to the content, let's delve into various types of marketing agreements:

  1. Agency Agreement:
    • Principal authorizes an agent to sell goods on its behalf.
    • "Privity of contract" establishes a legal relationship between the principal and the purchaser.
  2. Distribution Agreement:
    • Supplier sells goods to a distributor.
    • No direct contract between the supplier and the final customer.
  3. Franchise Agreement:
    • Franchisor expands business through franchisees.
    • Uniform business model requirements for franchisees, ensuring brand consistency.
  4. Joint Venture Agreement:
    • Businesses cooperate on a specific venture.
    • Enables resource sharing and risk mitigation in joint initiatives.

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