1. Legal English Basics - Lesson 1: Introduction to Legal Language
    • Overview of the intellectual and challenging nature of studying law
    • Duration of law degree programs in the UK and the USA (typically three years)
    • Core subjects in law programs, including criminal law, contract law, tort law, land law, equity and trusts, administrative law, and constitutional law
    • Importance of skills such as legal writing and legal research
  2. Career Paths in Law:
    • Tailoring coursework to future career goals, e.g., family law, employment law, housing law for solo practitioners in small towns
    • Specializations for those aspiring to work in large law practices, including company law, commercial law, litigation, and arbitration
  3. Exploring Legal Practice:
    • University courses on legal practice and experiential learning opportunities
    • Involvement in voluntary advice centers or law clinics for hands-on experience in legal work
  4. Language Skills in Legal Practice:
    • Importance of foreign language proficiency for those interested in commercial law
    • Hiring criteria for law firms: education, personality, work experience, and language ability
    • Emphasis on a good command of English in the international legal community
  5. Activity: 1.1
    • Engage in the provided activity related to the lesson content
  6. Company Law - Text B: Characteristics of a Company
    • Legal recognition of a company as a separate legal entity
    • Rights of a company to enter contracts, employ individuals, own property, and conduct business
    • Governance of companies under the Companies Act 1985 and 1989
    • Distinction between limited and unlimited liability companies
    • Requirements for public and private companies, including minimum share capital for public companies
  7. Conclusion:
    • Understanding the fundamentals of legal studies, including evaluation methods, legal language introduction, and insights into career paths and company law.

In this lesson, we will explore the transition from old-fashioned legal vocabulary to its modern equivalents. Understanding these changes is crucial for effective communication in legal documents. Let's examine some key terms and their contemporary alternatives:

Old-Fashioned Language - Modern Language

  1. Action - Claim
  2. Anton Piller Order - Search Order
  3. Discovery - Disclosure
  4. Ex Parte - Without Notice (to other parties)
  5. Inter-Partes Hearing - Hearing with Notice (to other party)
  6. Interlocutory Hearing - Interim Hearing (as opposed to final)
  7. Interrogatory - Request for Further Information
  8. Leave - Permission
  9. Mandamus Order - Mandatory Order
  10. Mareva Order (or Injunction) - Freezing Injunction
  11. Prohibition Order - Prohibiting Order
  12. Request for Further and Better Particulars - Request for Further Information
  13. Setting Down for Trial - Listing (Scheduling) for Trial
  14. Specific Discovery - Specific Disclosure
  15. Subpoena - Witness Summons
  16. Summons (to Commence Proceedings) - Claim Form
  17. Summons for Directions - Case Management Conference
  18. Thereafter / Thereinafter - Subsequently / Then
  19. Therein - Contained Within

Task: 2.3 Now, apply your understanding of modern legal language by completing Task 2.3, which involves comparing and updating old-fashioned legal terms.

Lesson 2: Agreements

Moving on to the content, let's delve into various types of marketing agreements:

  1. Agency Agreement:
    • Principal authorizes an agent to sell goods on its behalf.
    • "Privity of contract" establishes a legal relationship between the principal and the purchaser.
  2. Distribution Agreement:
    • Supplier sells goods to a distributor.
    • No direct contract between the supplier and the final customer.
  3. Franchise Agreement:
    • Franchisor expands business through franchisees.
    • Uniform business model requirements for franchisees, ensuring brand consistency.
  4. Joint Venture Agreement:
    • Businesses cooperate on a specific venture.
    • Enables resource sharing and risk mitigation in joint initiatives.