Lesson 1: Introduction to Legal Language
Objective: To introduce students to fundamental concepts in legal studies, including the structure of law degree programs, potential career paths, and the importance of language skills in the legal profession.
Text A: A Career in Law
Definition 1: Core Subjects in Law Degree Programs In the UK and the USA, law degree programs typically span three years and cover essential subjects such as criminal law, contract law, tort law, land law, equity and trusts, administrative law, and constitutional law.
Definition 2: Optional (Elective) Courses Students have the opportunity to choose elective courses based on their career aspirations. For instance, those interested in running a small partnership may opt for family law, employment law, and housing law, while those aspiring to work in large law practices may focus on company law, commercial and litigation, and arbitration.
Definition 3: Legal Practice and Experience Law students can gain practical experience through courses on legal practice, voluntary advice centers, and law clinics. These settings offer insights into the day-to-day work of a lawyer and help students make informed decisions about their future careers.
Definition 4: Language Skills in the Legal Profession For students aspiring to work in commercial practices, proficiency in foreign languages, especially English, is crucial. Law firms typically consider education, personality, work experience, and language ability when hiring new recruits.
Activity 1.1: Understanding Legal Language Students will engage in a discussion or written reflection on the presented information, considering their potential career paths and the relevance of specific subjects to their goals.
Text B: Company Law
Definition 5: Legal Personality of a Company A company is considered a separate legal 'person' with distinct rights, including the ability to enter into contracts, employ people, own property, and conduct business. The Companies Act 1985 (CA '85) and the Companies Act 1989 govern the creation and management of companies.
Definition 6: Limited and Public Companies Most incorporated companies have limited liability, meaning the financial liability of shareholders is limited to the unpaid amount on their shares. Public companies, with a minimum share capital requirement, can offer shares to the public and may be listed on the Stock Exchange.

Definition 7: Company Formation Process Incorporating a company involves legal requirements such as the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Form 10, and Form 12. The Registrar of Companies registers the company and issues a Certificate of Incorporation.
Definition 8: Ongoing Legal Obligations After incorporation, companies must comply with legal obligations, including preparing annual accounts filed at Companies House.
Task 1.2: Practical Application Students will be assigned tasks related to the company formation process, applying the legal concepts introduced in Text B.
Lesson 2: Types of Legal Texts
Objective: To familiarize students with various types of legal documents, their characteristics, and the importance of precision in legal writing.
Definition 9: Instruments, Pleadings, Contracts, and Documents
- Instruments: Formal legal documents granting or proving the grant of a right (e.g., deeds, wills, mortgages).
- Pleadings: Formal statements by parties in litigation (e.g., complaints, answers).
- Contracts: Any written agreement.
- Documents: Any communication set to a permanent medium relevant to a legal issue (e.g., police reports, photographs, letters).
Definition 10: Obtaining Background Information Preparation and execution of legal tasks require information gathered through interviews and questionnaires, including family, financial, employment, and health information.
Definition 11: Sources of Legal Forms Legal documents are often drafted from templates belonging to the firm or accessed from commercial forms producers like Jurisprudence Legal Forms and West Legal Forms or online sources.
Definition 12: General Form of Legal Writings Considerations such as paper size, typeface, margins, and spacing are important. Court-specific rules must be followed for certain instruments and papers submitted to court.
Definition 13: Special Components and Mechanical Rules Legal documents often include captions, headings, spaces for signatures, acknowledgments, and notarization. Certain aspects may be presented in ALL CAPS for emphasis, and correct grammar and spelling are crucial for professionalism.
Definition 14: Pre-printed Forms Courts or agencies may have specific forms, some available in Word format. When filling forms, ensuring no substantive changes are made is essential.
Conclusion: Summarize key points from both lessons, emphasizing the interconnectedness of legal education, practical experience, and precise use of legal language.
Homework Assignment: Assign readings related to legal language and document drafting. Students will prepare a brief written reflection on the significance of legal language in the field of law.
- Key Words: Core Subjects
- Q: What are the core subjects typically included in law degree programs in the UK and the USA?
- A: Core subjects include criminal law, contract law, tort law, land law, equity and trusts, administrative law, and constitutional law.
- Key Words: Elective Courses
- Q: Why might a student interested in running a small partnership choose specific elective courses?
- A: They might take courses like family law, employment law, and housing law.
- Key Words: Legal Practice Experience
- Q: How can students gain practical experience in legal practice before deciding on a legal career?
- A: They can participate in courses on legal practice, voluntary advice centers, or law clinics.
- Key Words: Language Skills for Commercial Practice
- Q: Why is knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, essential for those wishing to work in commercial legal practices?
- A: English is the language of the international legal community, and law firms increasingly expect graduates to have a good command of English.
Activity: Understanding Legal Language (Activity 1.1)
- Reflect on potential career paths based on the presented information.
- Identify elective courses that align with specific career goals.
- Discuss the importance of language skills in the legal profession.
Text B: Company Law Questions and Answers
- Key Words: Limited Liability
- Q: What does it mean for a company to have limited liability?
- A: Shareholders' financial liability is limited to the unpaid amount on their shares.
- Key Words: Public Company
- Q: What distinguishes a public company from a private company?
- A: A public company can offer shares to the public and may have shares listed on the Stock Exchange.
- Key Words: Company Formation
- Q: What are the key documents required for company formation?
- A: Documents include the Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, Form 10, and Form 12.
Task: Practical Application (Task 1.2)
- Prepare a sample Memorandum of Association for a hypothetical company.
- Identify and list the legal requirements for incorporating a company.
Lesson 2: Types of Legal Texts
Questions: 8. Key Words: Instruments and Pleadings
- Q: Provide examples of formal legal documents that are considered instruments. What are pleadings in the context of litigation?
- A: Examples of instruments are deeds, wills, and mortgages. Pleadings include complaints and answers.
- Key Words: Background Information
- Q: Why is obtaining background information crucial in the preparation and execution of legal tasks?
- A: It helps gather family, financial, employment, health information, and relevant documentation.
- Key Words: Sources of Legal Forms
- Q: Where can law firms access templates for legal documents?
- A: Templates can be obtained from previous client documents, commercial forms producers like Jurisprudence Legal Forms, West Legal Forms, and online sources.
Activity: Document Drafting
- Draft a simple legal document using appropriate templates.
- Identify and list the key components required in a legal document.
- Key Words: Mechanical Rules for Legal Documents
- Q: Why is it important to follow mechanical rules, such as using ALL CAPS and proper grammar, in legal documents?
- A: To maintain clarity, emphasis, and professionalism in legal writings.
Conclusion: Summarize the importance of understanding legal language, the practical application of legal concepts, and the precise drafting of legal documents.
Question 1: (Legal Language)
Which of the following is NOT typically considered a core subject in law degree programs?
A. Criminal Law B. Contract Law C. Business Management D. Constitutional Law
Answer: C. Business Management
Question 2: (Legal Career Paths)
What elective courses might be suitable for a student aspiring to run a small partnership in a small town?
A. Company Law, Commercial Litigation B. Family Law, Employment Law, Housing Law C. Constitutional Law, Administrative Law D. International Law, Arbitration
Answer: B. Family Law, Employment Law, Housing Law
Question 3: (Company Law)
What is the primary purpose of the Memorandum of Association in the context of company formation?
A. It outlines the company's objects and powers. B. It provides rules for the conduct of company members. C. It specifies the company's share capital. D. It certifies that legal requirements for registration have been complied with.
Answer: A. It outlines the company's objects and powers.
Question 4: (Limited Liability Companies)
In a limited company, what does limited liability mean for shareholders?
A. Shareholders have unlimited financial liability. B. Shareholders' financial liability is limited to the unpaid amount on their shares. C. Shareholders are exempt from legal responsibilities. D. Shareholders have unlimited control over company decisions.
Answer: B. Shareholders' financial liability is limited to the unpaid amount on their shares.
Question 5: (Types of Legal Texts)
Which of the following is considered a formal statement by a party in the context of litigation?
A. Deed B. Contract C. Pleading D. Document
Answer: C. Pleading
Question 6: (Background Information Gathering)
Why is obtaining background information crucial in the preparation and execution of legal tasks?
A. To increase paperwork. B. To fulfill administrative requirements. C. To facilitate better client understanding. D. To avoid legal disputes.
Answer: C. To facilitate better client understanding.
Question 7: (Sources of Legal Forms)
Where can law firms commonly access templates for legal documents?
A. Government Archives B. Commercial forms producers like West Legal Forms C. Social Media Platforms D. Personal Blogs
Answer: B. Commercial forms producers like West Legal Forms
Question 8: (Mechanical Rules for Legal Documents)
Why are certain aspects of legal documents often put in ALL CAPS?
A. To emphasize the importance of the information. B. To maintain a formal and professional appearance. C. To save space on the document. D. To make the document easier to read.
Answer: A. To emphasize the importance of the information.