Literature 3 and linguistics 3 practice Questionnaire with Answers 2024

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Literature and linguistics practice
Questionnaire with Answers:

Text A: A Career in Law

  1. How long do law degree programs usually take in the UK and the USA?
    • A. 1 year
    • B. 2 years
    • C. 3 years (Correct Answer)
    • D. 4 years
  2. What are some core subjects typically included in law degree programs in the UK?
    • A. Computer Science and Psychology
    • B. Criminal law, contract law, tort law, land law, equity and trusts (Correct Answer)
    • C. Biology and Chemistry
    • D. History and Geography
  3. Why do many law students take elective courses?
    • A. To fill up their schedule
    • B. To gain practical skills for future careers (Correct Answer)
    • C. Because they are mandatory
    • D. Just for fun
  4. What is one way for students to experience the work of a lawyer before deciding on a career in law?
    • A. Reading textbooks
    • B. Taking elective courses
    • C. Participating in a voluntary advice center or law clinic (Correct Answer)
    • D. Ignoring practical experiences
  5. Why is knowledge of foreign languages essential for students wishing to work in a commercial law practice?
    • A. It is not essential
    • B. It is a hobby
    • C. It is required by law firms for international communication (Correct Answer)
    • D. To make friends in different countries

Text B: Company Law

  1. According to the information in Text B, what is a company considered as in law?
    • A. A separate legal 'person' (Correct Answer)
    • B. A fictional entity
    • C. A government agency
    • D. A partnership
  2. What does limited liability mean for a member (shareholder) in a limited company?
    • A. They have unlimited financial liability
    • B. Their liability is limited to the amount remaining unpaid on the shares (Correct Answer)
    • C. They are exempt from any liability
    • D. They cannot own property
  3. What is the minimum issued share capital requirement for a public company according to sections 11 and 118 CA ’85?
    • A. £10,000
    • B. £25,000
    • C. £50,000 (Correct Answer)
    • D. £100,000
  4. What does the Memorandum of Association (articles of incorporation) of a company contain?
    • A. Only the company's name
    • B. The company’s objects and powers, share capital (Correct Answer)
    • C. Personal preferences of the members
    • D. Information about the company's directors
  5. Which form must be signed by a person applying for incorporation of the company to certify compliance with legal requirements?
    • A. Form 5
    • B. Form 10 (Correct Answer)
    • C. Form 15
    • D. Form 20

Questionnaire with Answers:

Lesson 1: Contracts

  1. State two types of contract you can think of.
    • A. Lease and Sale
    • B. Breach and Damages
    • C. Implied and Express (Correct Answer)
    • D. Tort and Negligence
  2. Is contract law an area of criminal or civil law?
    • A. Criminal
    • B. Both
    • C. Civil (Correct Answer)
    • D. Contractual
  3. What is meant by the terms of a contract?
    • A. Legal jargon
    • B. The parties involved
    • C. The conditions and obligations agreed upon (Correct Answer)
    • D. The duration of the contract
  4. What are the two main types of contract terms?
    • A. Written and Unwritten
    • B. Implied and Express (Correct Answer)
    • C. Short and Long
    • D. Simple and Complex
  5. What is meant by case-law?
    • A. Laws related to criminal cases
    • B. Legal precedents established by court decisions (Correct Answer)
    • C. Legislation enacted by the government
    • D. Contracts in criminal investigations
  6. What is a statute?
    • A. A legal term for an agreement
    • B. A type of contract
    • C. A written law enacted by a legislative body (Correct Answer)
    • D. A court order
  7. Is the party bringing a claim the Claimant or Defendant?
    • A. Defendant
    • B. Plaintiff
    • C. Claimant (Correct Answer)
    • D. Appellant
  8. What do you consider is meant by the implied term of satisfactory quality?
    • A. The quality decided by the Defendant
    • B. The standard set by the Claimant
    • C. A term automatically included in a contract ensuring goods are of satisfactory quality (Correct Answer)
    • D. The opinion of the judge

Lesson 1: Contracts (Text B: Legal Proceedings)

  1. What are the modern equivalents for 'pleadings' and 'inter-partes hearing' in legal English, according to the table?
    • A. Statements of case, Ex-parte
    • B. Discovery, Injunction
    • C. Claim, Without notice (Correct Answer)
    • D. Summons, Interim hearing
  2. What is the purpose of the 'Civil Procedure Rules' mentioned in Text B?
    • A. To encourage the use of old-fashioned language
    • B. To reform legal proceedings and introduce new terminology (Correct Answer)
    • C. To limit the use of plain English
    • D. To create more complex legal documents

Lesson 2: Agreements

  1. Name one type of marketing agreement mentioned in the text.
    • A. Licensing agreement
    • B. Lease agreement
    • C. Franchise agreement (Correct Answer)
    • D. Employment agreement
  2. What does a traditional sales agency agreement involve?
    • A. Direct sale from the supplier to the final customer
    • B. Selling goods on behalf of the agent, creating privity of contract (Correct Answer)
    • C. Purchasing goods from the supplier and reselling them
    • D. Allowing multiple agents to sell the same goods
  3. In a distribution agreement, what is the relationship between the supplier and the final customer?
    • A. Direct contractual relationship
    • B. No relationship
    • C. Contractual relationship between the distributor and the customer (Correct Answer)
    • D. Partnership agreement
  4. What is the main benefit of a franchise agreement for the franchisee?
    • A. Independence
    • B. Association with a well-recognized brand-name (Correct Answer)
    • C. Limited obligations
    • D. Lower costs
  5. What does a joint venture agreement involve?
    • A. Two companies compete against each other
    • B. Two or more businesses cooperate on a specific business venture or project (Correct Answer)
    • C. A business expands its operations internationally
    • D. A company sells its goods to another company


Questionnaire with Answers:

1. Introduction (1.3 Modern Linguistics):

  1. Corpus linguistics groups other sciences.
    • A. True (Correct Answer)
    • B. False
  2. Learning and acquisition are two ways of knowing.
    • A. True (Correct Answer)
    • B. False
  3. A corpus has several purposes.
    • A. True (Correct Answer)
    • B. False
  4. Corpus linguistics deals with a unique discourse.
    • A. True
    • B. False (Correct Answer)
  5. High-frequency words lists are not useful.
    • A. True
    • B. False (Correct Answer)

1.3.1. what a corpus is:

  1. Do Sinclair and Dash agree nearly on every aspect of the definition of corpus?
    • A. Yes (Correct Answer)
    • B. No

1.3.2 tools and techniques for corpus analysis:

  1. Word frequency enables computers to count how many words occur in a piece of writing.
    • A. True (Correct Answer)
    • B. False
  2. In English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) or English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programs, general academic wordlists have a wider application.
    • A. True (Correct Answer)
    • B. False

1.3.3 designing a corpus:

  1. Corpus linguists decide on the structural criteria to build the corpus based on external criteria only.
    • A. True
    • B. False (Correct Answer)
    • 1. Introduction (1.3 Corpus Linguistics):
    • Corpus linguistics emerged as a field of study in the 19th century.
    • A. True
    • B. False (Correct Answer)
    • How many components are identified in the handling of a scientific discourse in corpus linguistics?
    • A. Two
    • B. Three (Correct Answer)
    • C. Four
    • D. Five
    • Corpus linguistics is concerned with the description and explanation of the nature, structure, and uses of language and languages.
    • A. True (Correct Answer)
    • B. False
    • What does the term "corpus" refer to in corpus linguistics?
    • A. A collection of scientific equipment
    • B. A large collection of naturally occurring language texts presented in machine-readable form (Correct Answer)
    • C. An ancient manuscript
    • 1.3.1. what a corpus is (continued):
    • What does Dash's definition of a corpus emphasize?
    • A. Only spoken language
    • B. Only written language
    • C. Accumulated scientifically to specialize a particular variety or use of language (Correct Answer)
    • 1.3.2 tools and techniques for corpus analysis (continued):
    • What is the purpose of concordancing programs in corpus analysis?
    • A. Sampling techniques
    • B. Word frequency analysis
    • C. Search for specific terms in a corpus (Correct Answer)
    • D. Transcription methods
    • Word frequency is generally considered the most important factor in creating pedagogical word lists.
    • A. True (Correct Answer)
    • B. False
    • 1.3.3 designing a corpus (continued):
    • What is one of the decisions a researcher must make when designing a corpus?
    • A. Choose the color scheme of the corpus
    • B. Decide on the structural criteria for building the corpus (Correct Answer)
    • C. Estimate the publication date of the texts
    • D. Determine the font size of the corpus texts

1. Lexis in Linguistics:

  1. What does the term "Lexis" refer to in linguistics?
    • A. The structure of a sentence
    • B. The vocabulary and grammar of a language (Correct Answer)
    • C. The pronunciation of words
    • D. The cultural background of a language
  2. What is Lexicon used to refer to in linguistics?
    • A. A type of dialect
    • B. A dictionary, often of one of the ancient languages (Correct Answer)
    • C. The grammar of a language
    • D. A specialized form of slang
  3. What is the relationship between Lexis and Lexicon?
    • A. They have the same meaning
    • B. Lexis refers to spoken language, and Lexicon refers to written language
    • C. Lexis is the set of words, phrases, and idioms used in text or spoken data, while Lexicon refers to a dictionary or repertoire of terms (Correct Answer)
  4. What does Lexicology describe in linguistics?
    • A. The study of dialects
    • B. The study of lexis and lexicon (Correct Answer)
    • C. The pronunciation of words
    • D. The cultural background of a language

2.3.1. Legal English:

  1. How is Legal English characterized?
    • A. It is an informal variety with no specific vocabulary
    • B. It is a formalized variety with its own vocabulary, syntax, uses, and semantics (Correct Answer)
    • C. It is a type of slang used by lawyers
    • D. It is similar to ordinary English in all aspects
  2. What term is used among linguists to describe the specialized discourse of lawyers?
    • A. Legalism
    • B. Legalese (Correct Answer)
    • C. Legal jargon
    • D. Legal dialect

2.3.2. COLE (Corpus Of Legal English):

  1. How does the size of COLE compare to general corpora like BNC and COCA?
    • A. COLE is larger than both BNC and COCA
    • B. COLE is smaller than both BNC and COCA
    • C. COLE is relatively small compared to BNC and COCA, but size is less relevant than sampling (Correct Answer)
    • D. COLE is larger than BNC but smaller than COCA
  2. What types of materials are found in legal corpora like COLE?
    • A. Only legislation and legal acts
    • B. Only transcriptions of court decisions
    • C. A wide range, including legislation, legal acts, and transcriptions of court decisions (Correct Answer)
    • D. Only materials related to national law, not supranational law


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Questionnaire with Answers:

3.1 Introduction:

  1. What is the focus of this part of the lecture?
    • A. General English registers
    • B. Specific registers and linguistic domains investigated by corpus linguistics (Correct Answer)
    • C. English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
    • D. Characteristics of everyday communication
  2. What does the lecture aim to unveil regarding discourses linked to ESP?
    • A. The history of ESP
    • B. Characteristics of specific discourses linked to ESP (Correct Answer)
    • C. The application of corpus linguistics in ESP
    • D. The challenges of learning ESP vocabulary

3.2. Specific (ESP) Registers:

  1. What is the specific emphasis in this part of the lecture?
    • A. General English
    • B. ESP/EST (English for Science and Technology) with a focus on the register of law (or legalese) (Correct Answer)
    • C. English for Everyday Communication
    • D. Linguistic domains unrelated to ESP
  2. What three characteristics of scientific discourse are discussed in the text?
    • A. Vocabulary, informality, and ambiguity
    • B. Language, objectivity, and clarity (Correct Answer)
    • C. Complexity, figurative language, and subjectivity
    • D. Slang, subjectivity, and informality
  3. What is a common feature of scientific discourse related to the use of graphics, diagrams, and drawings?
    • A. They are optional and rarely used.
    • B. They contribute to confusion in the presentation.
    • C. They describe, explain, and expose data in a universal language (Correct Answer).
    • D. Their use is discouraged in scientific investigations.

3.3. Corpora Use in Language Teaching/Learning:

  1. How is a corpus defined in the context of language study?
    • A. A collection of fictional texts
    • B. A collection of spoken language only
    • C. A collection of authentic texts stored electronically (Correct Answer)
    • D. A collection of ancient languages
  2. What is a main function of corpora in language teaching and learning?
    • A. Entertainment purposes
    • B. To replace traditional textbooks
    • C. To inform dictionaries, grammar books, textbooks, and syllabi (Correct Answer)
    • D. To teach only spoken language

- Teaching the Scientific Register:

  1. What is the primary aim of introducing elements of pedagogy in the present training scheme?
    • A. To focus on traditional language learning methods
    • B. To provide a theoretical understanding of language
    • C. To show congruency between theory and practice for the mastery of technical English (Correct Answer)
    • D. To avoid eclectic teaching approaches
