READ the text and FIND the proper linguistic items that are missing. They are all verbs.
‘Non-linear note-taking
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Verbs list below :
Encourage, make, be, involves, take, compare, organise, reflect, extend, spotre, call, give,
Non-linear note taking 1() using, mind maps or spidergrams that start with notes in the middle of a page, usually in an oval representing the subject, and then spread out with ‘legs’ making links north, south, east and west. You don’t 2() such notes in time sequence but in terms of meaning, similarity or hierarchies of importance or association.
They 3() the internal workings of your brain, rather than the external event, the lecture. Each time you get a new idea, your mind makes several links to your existing ideas, links that have not existed before. The more links you can 4() to existing knowledge (by preparing, for example) and then create as you listen, the better you will have captured knowledge and made it your own. This will also 5() you multiple access points to that knowledge, instead of just two – time and space. Occasionally, you’ll make bad links, for instance, if you mishear something the lecturer said – Napoleon’s mysteries or Napoleon’s mistresses, say – but you’ll be more likely to 6() the problem and correct it if you use mind maps rather than linear notes. In order to take non-linear notes or mind maps you have to use additional sheets of paper at the top, bottom and sides so the notes 7() onto them giving a holistic overview, which is easier to understand. Notes produced in this way usually look nothing like the lecturer’s overheads or paper handouts.
They’re the interpretation of the writer, truly representing his understanding of how what he’s heard fits in with what he knows. He’ll also 8() the lecture well for future use because he’s set up his own system of links and connections rather than using the time and space system of most lectures. However, they can 9() up a lot of space and can sometimes work better as a group project after the lecture, when everyone can contribute their understanding of the main points, and areas that are not clear.
Some lecturers 10() participation in class by using mind-mapsmind-maps and brainstorming methods, usually with one person noting the ideas of a group – a great way to try them out. Such notes can take up a lot of horizontal space, so it helps to have small writing and 11() neat!
Please complete the pagrapah with versbes from list
Encourage, make, be, involves, take, compare, organise, reflect, extend, spot, recall, give
Non-linear note-taking Vide1() or spidergrams that start with notes in the middle of a page, usually in an oval representing the subject, and then spread out with ‘legs’ making links north, south, east and west. You don’t Vide2() such notes in time sequence but in terms of meaning, similarity or hierarchies of importance or association.=>Non-linear
note-taking involves using mind maps
or spidergrams that start with notes in the middle of a page, usually in an
oval representing the subject, and then spread out with ‘legs’ making links
north, south, east, and west. You don’t take such notes in
time sequence but in terms of meaning, similarity, or hierarchies of
importance or association.
لكتابة غير الخطية تتضمن استخدام الخرائط الذهنية أو الرسوم البيانية التي تبدأ بالملاحظات في منتصف الصفحة، عادة في شكل بيضاوي يمثل الموضوع، ثم تنتشر مع "أرجل" تصنع روابطًا شمالاً وجنوبًا وشرقًا وغربًا. لا تقوم بـ أخذ مثل هذه الملاحظات بتسلسل زمني ولكن من حيث المعنى، أو التشابه، أو التسلسل الهرمي للأهمية أو الارتباط.
They Vide 3() the internal workings of your brain, rather than the external event, the lecture. Each time you get a new idea, your mind makes several links to your existing ideas, links that have not existed before. The more links you can Vide 4() to existing knowledge (by preparing, for example) and then create as you listen, the better you will have captured knowledge and made it your own. =>They reflect the internal workings of your brain, rather than the external event, the lecture. Each time you get a new idea, your mind makes several links to your existing ideas, links that have not existed before. The more links you can extend to existing knowledge (by preparing, for example) and then create as you listen, the better you will have captured knowledge and made it your own. يعكسون العمليات الداخلية لعقلك، بدلاً من الحدث الخارجي، المحاضرة. في كل مرة تحصل فيها على فكرة جديدة، يقوم عقلك بإنشاء عدة روابط مع الأفكار الحالية لديك، روابط لم تكن موجودة من قبل. كلما استطعت تمديد المزيد من الروابط إلى المعرفة الحالية (عن طريق التحضير، على سبيل المثال)، ثم إنشاءها أثناء الاستماع، كلما كنت قد قمت بالتقاط المعرفة بشكل أفضل وجعلتها جزءًا This will also Vide5() you multiple access points to that knowledge, instead of just two – time and space. Occasionally, you’ll make bad links, for instance, if you mishear something the lecturer said – Napoleon’s mysteries or Napoleon’s mistresses, say – but you’ll be more likely to Vide6() the problem and correct it if you use mind maps rather than linear notes. =>This will also give you multiple access points to that knowledge, instead of just two – time and space. Occasionally, you’ll make bad links, for instance, if you mishear something the lecturer said – Napoleon’s mysteries or Napoleon’s mistresses, say – but you’ll be more likely to spot the problem and correct it if you use mind maps rather than linear notes. In order to take non-linear notes or mind maps you have to use additional sheets of paper at the top, bottom and sides so the notes Vide 7() onto them giving a holistic overview, which is easier to understand. Notes produced in this way usually look nothing like the lecturer’s overheads or paper handouts.
They’re the interpretation of the writer, truly representing his understanding of how what he’s heard fits in with what he knows. He’ll also Vide 8() the lecture well for future use because he’s set up his own system of links and connections rather than using the time and space system of most lectures. However, they can Vide 9 () up a lot of space and can sometimes work better as a group project after the lecture, when everyone can contribute their understanding of the main points, and areas that are not clear.
=> In order to take non-linear notes or mind maps, you have to use additional sheets of paper at the top, bottom, and sides so the notes make onto them, giving a holistic overview,
which is easier to understand. Notes produced in this way usually look
nothing like the lecturer’s overheads or paper handouts. They’re the
interpretation of the writer, truly representing his understanding of
how what he’s heard fits in with what he knows. He’ll also recall the lecture well for future use because
he’s set up his own system of links and connections rather than using
the time and space system of most lectures. However, they can organize up a lot of space and can sometimes work
better as a group project after the lecture, when everyone can
contribute their understanding of the main points, and areas that are
not clear.
لكي تقوم بأخذ ملاحظات غير خطية أو استخدام الخرائط الذهنية، يجب عليك استخدام ورق إضافي في الأعلى والأسفل والجوانب حتى تصبح الملاحظات تظهر على هذه الأوراق، مما يوفر نظرة شاملة أسهل فهمًا. الملاحظات التي تم إعدادها بهذه الطريقة عادةً لا تشبه على الإطلاق الشرائح الفوقية للمحاضر أو المواد الموزعة على الورق. إنها تمثل تفسير الكاتب، وتعبر بشكل حقيقي عن فهمه لكيفية تكامل ما سمعه مع معرفته. كما أنه سيتذكر المحاضرة جيدًا للاستفادة منها في المستقبل لأنه قام بإنشاء نظام خاص به من الروابط والاتصالات بدلاً من استخدام نظام الزمن والمكان في معظم المحاضرات. ومع ذلك، قد تؤدي إلى تنظيم الكثير من المساحة وقد تعمل في بعض الأحيان بشكل أفضل كمشروع جماعي بعد المحاضرة، حين يمكن للجميع المساهمة بفهمهم للنقاط الرئيسية، والمناطق التي قد لا تكون واضحة.
Some lecturers Vide 10() participation in class by using mind-map and brainstorming methods, usually with one person noting the ideas of a group – a great way to try them out. Such notes can take up a lot of horizontal space, so it helps to have small writing and Vide11() neat! If you see someone using mind-map note-taking techniques in a lecture try to sit near him and perhaps Vide 12() his notes with yours over a coffee and chat. You’ll probably see he’s noted down less than you and can give a summary of the lecture without much head scratching.’
=>Some lecturers encourage
participation in class by using mind-map and brainstorming methods,
usually with one person noting the ideas of a group – a great way to
try them out. Such notes can take up a lot of horizontal space, so
it helps to have small writing and be neat!
If you see someone using mind-map note-taking techniques in a
lecture, try to sit near him and perhaps compare his
notes with yours over a coffee and chat. You’ll probably see he’s
noted down less than you and can give a summary of the lecture
without much head scratching.
بعض المحاضرين يشجعون على المشاركة في الصف من خلال استخدام أساليب الخرائط الذهنية والعصف الذهني، عادةً مع شخص واحد يسجل أفكار المجموعة - وسيلة رائعة لتجربتها. قد تستغرق هذه الملاحظات الكثير من المساحة الأفقية، لذا يساعد أن يكون لديك كتابة صغيرة وتكون مرتبًا! إذا رأيت شخصًا يستخدم تقنيات أخذ الملاحظات بواسطة الخرائط الذهنية في المحاضرة، حاول أن تجلس بالقرب منه وربما قارن ملاحظاته مع ملاحظاتك أثناء تناول القهوة والدردشة. ربما سترى أنه قد قام بتسجيل أقل مما قمت به أنت ويمكنه إعطاء ملخص للمحاضرة دون الكثير من التفكير
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