Navigating Legal Proceedings: Answering Multiple-Choice Questions with Precision/task 2-3 (Lesson 2 – Text B)

Navigating Legal Proceedings: Answering Multiple-Choice Questions with Precision/task 2-3 (Lesson 2 – Text B)

Navigating Legal Proceedings: Answering Multiple-Choice Questions with Precision/task 2-3 (Lesson 2 – Text B)
Navigating Legal Proceedings: Answering Multiple-Choice Questions with Precision/task 2-3 (Lesson 2 – Text B)

The task involves answering multiple-choice questions related to legal proceedings.

 Consigne détaillée de l’activité :

After reading Legal proceedings, do the following activity:

Choose the appropriate answer

  answering multiple-choice questions related to legal proceedings

    Question 1: What are the two documents that need to be drafted in order to commence legal proceedings?

a.d) Counterclaim and Defence

b. b) Claim Form and Counterclaim

c.c) Counterclaim and Particulars of Claim

d.a) Claim Form and Particulars of Claim

answering multiple-choice questions related to legal proceedings

    Question 2 : What are the two documents known as?

a.a) Statements of case

b.b) Statements of claim

c.c) Statements of defence

d.d) Statements of counterclaim

Question 5: What is the modern English equivalent of "interlocutory hearing"?

a.c) Interim (as opposed to final) hearing

b. d) Witness summons

c. a) Claim form

d.b) Mandatory order

Question 3: What term was previously used for statements of case?

a. c) Defences

b.a) Pleadings

c. b) Counterclaims

d.d) Claims

 Question 4: What is the modern English equivalent of "ex parte"?

a.c) Disclosure

b.d) Hearing with notice (to other party)

c.a) Without notice (to other parties)

d.b) Search order

Question 6: What is the modern English equivalent of "mandamus order"?

a. c) Freezing injunction

b.b) Mandatory order

c.a) Request for further information

d.d) Case management conference

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1.       **Question 1:** d) Claim Form and Particulars of Claim

2.       **Question 2:** a) Statements of case

3.       **Question 3:** b) Pleadings

4.       **Question 4:** c) Without notice (to other parties)

5.       **Question 5:** a) Interim (as opposed to final) hearing

6.       **Question 6:** b) Mandatory order

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