Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Privacy, Bias, and Social Equity, Oral 2 Task / promo 2023

Activité 2. : In this Activity, you will create a 5-minute technical presentation using PowerPoint, focusing on key delivery skills like voice modulation. You will record the presentation in video format (MP4) and submit it within seven days. The assessment criteria include content relevance, delivery skills, time management, visuals, and audience engagement. This Activity aims to improve students' presentation abilities and prepare them for real-world scenarios.

Consigne détaillée de l’activité : Activity 2


: Technical Presentation Video Recording Challenge


Objective: To create a concise and effective technical presentation using PowerPoint (PPT) and deliver it in a video format while focusing on key delivery skills within a time limit of 5 minutes.




1.  Choose a Technical Topic: The topic should be specific and suitable for a 5- minute presentation.

2.  Prepare the PowerPoint Presentation

3.  Practice Delivery: practice your presentation to ensure clarity, coherence, and smooth delivery within the 5-minute time limit. Focusing on voice modulation, eye contact, gestures, and overall presentation confidence would be best.

4.  Record the Presentation: record their presentation in a video format (MP4) with a maximum duration of 5 minutes. It is essential to adhere strictly to the time limit.

5.  Submit the Video: Submit your recorded video within seven days in MP4 format through the Google Form link provided

If you are not familiar with Powerpoint files, watch this video:




Presentation title:Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Privacy, Bias, and Social Equity":


**Slide 1: Introduction**

- Title: "Navigating the Ethical Crossroads: AI's Impact"

- Brief overview of the significance of AI in today's world.

- Introduction to the ethical considerations: Privacy, Bias, and Social Equity.


**Slide 2: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence**

- Definition of AI and its rapid evolution.

- Key areas where AI is making an impact in various industries.


**Slide 3: Privacy Concerns in AI**

- Discussion on how AI systems often handle sensitive user data.

- Examples of recent privacy breaches and their consequences.

- Proposed ethical guidelines for ensuring privacy in AI applications.


**Slide 4: Addressing Bias in AI Algorithms**

- Explanation of algorithmic bias and its implications.

- Real-world examples showcasing bias in AI systems.

- Strategies for mitigating bias in AI algorithms.


**Slide 5: Social Equity and AI**

- Examination of how AI can either reinforce or challenge existing social inequalities.

- Case studies highlighting positive and negative impacts on social equity.

- Calls for creating inclusive AI solutions to address societal challenges.


**Slide 6: Ethical Frameworks in AI Development**

- Overview of existing ethical frameworks for AI development.

- Discussion on the importance of transparency and accountability.

- Suggestions for integrating ethical considerations in AI design.


**Slide 7: Case Studies**

- In-depth analysis of specific cases where AI has influenced privacy, bias, and social equity.

- Lessons learned from these cases and their implications for future AI development.


**Slide 8: Future Outlook**

- Exploration of the future trajectory of AI ethics.

- Potential challenges and opportunities in creating responsible AI systems.

- The role of stakeholders in shaping a more ethical AI landscape.


**Slide 9: Conclusion**

- Summary of key points discussed.

- Emphasis on the importance of ethical considerations in the ongoing development of AI.

- Call to action for responsible AI innovation.


**Slide 10: Q&A**

- Invitation for questions and discussion from the audience.





Presentation title:Artificial Intelligence's Impact on Privacy, Bias, and Social Equity":

**Slide 1: Introduction**


- Title: "Navigating the Ethical Crossroads: AI's Impact"

- Brief Overview: "Welcome, everyone, to our presentation on the ethical implications of artificial intelligence. Today, we'll delve into the significant impact AI has on our lives and explore key ethical considerations: Privacy, Bias, and Social Equity."


 Extended Overview: "Greetings, everyone. Today, I'm excited to delve into a topic that has become increasingly crucial in our rapidly evolving technological landscape. The ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) have taken center stage, prompting us to carefully navigate the crossroads where innovation meets responsibility. Now, you might wonder, why this topic? As we witness the transformative power of AI, it's essential to pause and reflect on the ethical implications that accompany this revolution. Choosing this topic stems from a deep belief in the necessity of a balanced exploration of AI's potential and the responsibility it places on us as developers, users, and decision-makers."


- Significance of the Topic: "AI is no longer a concept confined to science fiction; it's woven into the fabric of our daily lives. From personalized recommendations to autonomous decision-making, AI shapes how we interact with technology. With this omnipresence comes a responsibility to navigate the ethical challenges that arise. Understanding the impact on privacy, the potential for bias, and the role of AI in shaping social equity is not just a choice but a necessity as we pave the way for the future of technology."


- Presentation Preview: "Throughout this presentation, we'll explore the rise of AI, scrutinize privacy concerns, address biases in algorithms, and examine the intricate relationship between AI and social equity. By the end, we aim to not only understand the ethical landscape of AI but also to inspire collective action toward responsible and inclusive AI innovation."


Feel free to adjust this introduction based on your personal perspective and the specific motivations that led you to choose this topic.


**Slide 2: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence**

- Definition and Evolution: "Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the simulation of human intelligence in machines. Its rapid evolution is transforming various industries, from healthcare to finance, revolutionizing the way we live and work."


**Slide 3: Privacy Concerns in AI**

- Sensitive Data Handling: "As AI systems handle sensitive user data, we encounter growing concerns about privacy. Recent examples of privacy breaches underscore the need for ethical guidelines to ensure the protection of user information."

"Now, let's delve into one of the paramount aspects of AI ethics: Privacy. As AI systems become integral to our daily lives, the handling of sensitive user data raises significant concerns. It's imperative to understand the intricacies of how AI interacts with personal information and the potential implications for privacy."

- **Data Sensitivity and AI Integration:**

  - "AI systems, by their nature, thrive on data. The more data they have, the better they can learn and adapt. However, this raises a critical question: How does AI handle sensitive user data?"

  - "From healthcare records to financial transactions, AI often deals with information that individuals consider private. This integration poses a challenge in striking a balance between technological advancement and safeguarding personal privacy."

- **Emergence of Privacy Breaches:**

  - "Recent years have witnessed a surge in privacy breaches, where unauthorized access to personal information has compromised the confidentiality of users. These incidents serve as stark reminders of the vulnerabilities within AI systems."

  - "High-profile cases have underscored the need for robust measures to protect user data, prompting a reevaluation of how we approach privacy in the age of AI."

- **The Urgency for Ethical Guidelines:**

  - "Given the sensitivity of the data AI systems handle, the development and implementation of ethical guidelines are crucial. These guidelines act as a compass, ensuring that AI technologies respect user privacy while delivering their intended benefits."

  - "Ethical considerations in AI design, encompassing principles such as data minimization and informed consent, are pivotal for creating a responsible and privacy-aware technological landscape."

- **Balancing Innovation and Privacy:**

  - "As we marvel at the innovation brought about by AI, it's essential to recognize that progress should not come at the expense of privacy. Striking a balance requires collaborative efforts from developers, policymakers, and users to establish norms that protect individual privacy in an AI-driven world."

  - "By addressing these privacy concerns head-on, we can foster trust in AI technologies and ensure that they serve society without compromising the fundamental right to privacy."

the intersection of AI and privacy is a complex landscape that demands our careful attention. As we navigate the ethical crossroads, it is incumbent upon us to establish a framework that safeguards personal information, respecting the privacy rights of individuals in our increasingly interconnected world."

This expanded content provides a more in-depth exploration of privacy concerns in the context of AI. Feel free to adjust the wording or add specific examples based on your preferences and the audience's level of familiarity with the topic.

**Slide 4: Addressing Bias in AI Algorithms**

- Algorithmic Bias: "Algorithmic bias, where AI systems display unfair preferences, is a critical issue. Real-world examples highlight the implications of bias, and we'll explore strategies to mitigate these challenges."


**Slide 5: Social Equity and AI**

- Reinforcement or Challenge: "Let's examine how AI can either reinforce existing social inequalities or challenge them. Through case studies, we'll uncover both positive and negative impacts, emphasizing the need for inclusive AI solutions."


**Slide 6: Ethical Frameworks in AI Development**

- Existing Frameworks: "There are existing ethical frameworks for AI development. We'll discuss the importance of transparency and accountability, providing suggestions on integrating ethical considerations into AI design."


**Slide 7: Case Studies**

- Influences on Privacy, Bias, and Social Equity: "Our presentation will include an in-depth analysis of specific cases where AI has influenced privacy, bias, and social equity. Extracting lessons from these cases is crucial for the future development of AI."



**Slide 8: Future Outlook**

- Trajectory of AI Ethics: "Looking ahead, we'll explore the future trajectory of AI ethics. We'll discuss potential challenges and opportunities in creating responsible AI systems, emphasizing the role of stakeholders in shaping an ethical AI landscape."


**Slide 9: Conclusion**

- Key Points Summary: "In summary, we've explored the ethical dimensions of AI, from privacy concerns to bias and social equity. It's clear that ethical considerations must be at the forefront of ongoing AI development. Let's collectively commit to responsible AI innovation."

Presentation MP4 form:


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Artificial Intelligence’s Impact on Privacy, Bias, and Social Equity | Assignments English Language | Docsity
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