Summative assessment/UFC technical English promo 2023

Summative assessment/UFC technical English promo 2023

Summative assessment/UFC technical English promo 2023
Summative assessment/UFC technical English promo 2023


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This is the first part of an Algerian  Sales Contract. Revise it to make it shorter.

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Sales Contract – (Algerian Law)

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This Sales Contract, between the Seller, Mr. Sahraoui Abed, born on 23/01/1962 in Chlef, Algeria, and the Buyer, Mrs. Nacèra BENALI, born on 02/06/1987 in Chlef, Algeria, both being Algerian nationals and holders of valid Algerian national identity cards, aims to formalize the sale of a valuable piece of land in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Algerian Civil Code, specifically Articles 351 and following.

The Seller, Mr. Sahraoui Abed, a respected member of the Chlef community, currently residing at Brothers Abbad Chlef, and working as a dedicated Teacher, hereby provides a copy of his Algerian national identity card bearing the number 100757312, issued by Chlef Municipality on 28/10/2016. The Seller declares that he possesses all the rights to sell the property mentioned in this contract and assures that he will fulfill all the legal and factual guarantees required by law.

The Buyer, Mrs. Nacèra BENALI, also a prominent resident of Chlef, currently residing at Chlef City and employed as a teacher, presents her Algerian national identity card number 1021562589, issued by Chlef Municipality on 15/12/2014. The Buyer acknowledges her intention to acquire the property under the terms and conditions outlined in this contract.

The subject of this Agreement is a parcel of land with the identification number B156, located in the enchanting city of Chlef. The land covers a total area of 78 square meters, presenting a lucrative opportunity for construction and development. The boundaries of the property are precisely defined as follows:

* North: Ennour Mosque stands as a prominent landmark, offering a serene spiritual backdrop to the northern boundary of the land.

* South: A cluster of 50 lodgements, providing a vibrant and lively neighborhood setting that complements the southern side of the property.

* East: Atba Primary School, an esteemed educational institution, borders the land on the eastern side, fostering an environment of learning and growth.

* West: A convenient and accessible mini shop adds convenience to the western boundary, catering to the needs of the local community.

The Seller, Mr. Sahraoui Abed, has rightfully owned the property since a land sale contract was officially registered at the office of Mr. Bennai Said, a reputable Notary Public, on 16/12/2001. This contract bears the registration number 1566974/2011 and has been duly recorded in the land registry of Chlef under deposit number 13599 registered with number 459872.

Answer 01

This Sales Contract, governed by Algerian law, formalizes the sale of a valuable land parcel in Chlef. The Seller, Mr. Sahraoui Abed, a respected teacher residing in Chlef, asserts ownership rights and pledges to fulfill all legal obligations. The Buyer, Mrs. Nacèra BENALI, also a teacher in Chlef, expresses her intent to acquire the property under the outlined terms.

The land, identified as B156 in Chlef, spans 78 square meters and is bounded by notable landmarks: Ennour Mosque to the North, a cluster of lodgings to the South, Atba Primary School to the East, and a mini shop to the West. Mr. Sahraoui Abed has held rightful ownership since a land sale contract, officially registered in 2001 with the notary Mr. Bennai Said and recorded in Chlef's land registry.

This agreement ensures compliance with the Algerian Civil Code, particularly Articles 351 and following, emphasizing legal and factual guarantees in the property transaction.

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