Technical Writing Essentials☹Part two/ résumer promo 2023

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Technical Writing vs. Essays

I. Style:

  • Technical Writing:
    • Uses short, denotative words.
    • Employs short sentences and paragraphs for brevity.
  • Essay:
    • Utilizes longer, connotative words.
    • Incorporates longer sentences and paragraphs for depth.

II. Document Design Techniques:

  • Technical Writing:
    • Utilizes highlighting techniques like graphics, headings, subheadings, bullets, etc.
  • Essay:
    • Typically does not heavily focus on document design.

Attributes of Technical Writing:

1. Clarity:

  • Precision: Use specific words to avoid ambiguity.
  • Simplicity: Favor shorter, simpler words for broader understanding.
  • Familiarity: Use language familiar to all readers.
  • Necessity: Provide only essential information for clarity.

Examples of Clarity:

  • Vague: Real estate is a small industry; it’s not wise to make enemies.
    • Clear: Real estate is a tight-knit industry, so it’s in your best interest to maintain positive relationships with other realtors.

2. Conciseness:

  • Communicate complete information in a few words.
  • Choose strong words to illustrate points.
  • Maintain clarity and readability.

Examples of Conciseness:

  • Before: I think that this phenomenon happens because of X, Y, and Z.
    • After: X, Y, and Z are the three main contributors to this phenomenon.

3. Accessibility:

  • Use graphics, white space, boldface text, headings, subheadings, varied fonts, bullets, and numbering.


  • Technical writing emphasizes clarity through precision, simplicity, familiarity, and necessity.
  • Conciseness in technical writing involves choosing the strongest words while ensuring clarity and readability.
  • Accessibility is enhanced through various design elements like graphics, headings, and lists.

In conclusion, technical writing and essays differ in style, document design, and the attributes they emphasize. While technical writing prioritizes clarity, conciseness, and accessibility, essays may focus more on depth and expression.


Activity 1: Style Analysis

Compare the writing style of technical writing and essays.


  1. Provide participants with excerpts from technical writing and essays.
  2. Ask them to identify characteristics that distinguish the writing styles.
  3. Discuss the differences in a group setting.


  • Technical Writing Excerpt:
    • Short, denotative words.
    • Short sentences and paragraphs.
  • Essay Excerpt:
    • Longer, connotative words.
    • Longer sentences and paragraphs.

Highlight how technical writing focuses on brevity and clarity, while essays often emphasize depth and expression.

Activity 2: Clarity Enhancement

Practice enhancing clarity in writing.


  1. Provide vague sentences.
  2. In small groups, rewrite them for clarity.
  3. Share and discuss the improved versions as a class.


  • Vague Sentence: "The project was finished by our team."
  • Improved Version: "Our team finished the project."

Emphasize the importance of precision and straightforward language for clarity in technical writing.

Activity 3: Conciseness Challenge

Apply conciseness principles to writing.


  1. Provide participants with verbose sentences.
  2. Challenge them to rewrite sentences more concisely.
  3. Discuss the revised sentences as a group.


  • Verbose Sentence: "In order to successfully accomplish their job functions, the team has been needing more work space for some time now."
  • Concise Version: "The team needs more workspace to do its jobs."

Highlight how concise writing involves choosing the strongest words and eliminating unnecessary details, enhancing readability.

These activities aim to engage participants in analyzing, practicing, and applying the key principles of technical writing, emphasizing style, clarity, and conciseness

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