Active and Passive practice from Quorapedia

active and passive

Active and Passive practice from Quorapedia
Active and Passive practice from Quorapedia


Certainly! Here are 30 active sentences in different types along with their corresponding passive sentences:


1. Simple Sentence:

   Active: The cat chased the mouse.

   Passive: The mouse was chased by the cat.


2. Compound Sentence:

   Active: Sarah loves to dance, and she sings beautifully.

   Passive: Dancing is loved by Sarah, and beautiful singing is done by her.


3. Complex Sentence:

   Active: After the rain stopped, the children played outside.

   Passive: After the rain stopped, outside was played by the children.


4. Imperative Sentence:

   Active: Close the door, please.

   Passive: Let the door be closed, please.


5. Interrogative Sentence:

   Active: Where did you go last night?

   Passive: Where was last night gone by you?


6. Exclamatory Sentence:

   Active: What a beautiful sunset!

   Passive: How beautiful the sunset is!


7. Declarative Sentence:

   Active: The sun rises in the east.

   Passive: In the east, the sun rises.


8. Elliptical Sentence:

   Active: He can play the guitar; she, the piano.

   Passive: The guitar can be played by him; the piano, by her.


9. Conditional Sentence:

   Active: If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

   Passive: If hard is studied by you, the exam will be passed.


10. Complex-Compound Sentence:

    Active: She studied hard, but she still failed the test because she didn't understand the material.

    Passive: Hard studying was done by her, but still, the test was failed by her because the material wasn't understood.


11. Appositive Sentence:

    Active: My friend, a talented artist, painted a beautiful mural.

    Passive: A beautiful mural was painted by my friend, a talented artist.


12. Coordinative Sentence:

    Active: You can walk or take the bus to get there.

    Passive: To get there, walking or taking the bus can be done by you.


13. Gerund Phrase Sentence:

    Active: Swimming helps me relax.

    Passive: Relaxing is helped by swimming.


14. Infinitive Phrase Sentence:

    Active: She wants to learn to play the guitar.

    Passive: Learning to play the guitar is wanted by her.


15. Participial Phrase Sentence:

    Active: Running late, he missed the bus.

    Passive: Late running, the bus was missed by him.


16. Adjective Clause Sentence:

    Active: The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

    Passive: A doctor is the woman who lives next door.


17. Adverbial Clause Sentence:

    Active: When the sun sets, it gets cooler outside.

    Passive: When the sun sets, outside gets cooler.


18. Noun Clause Sentence:

    Active: What she said surprised everyone.

    Passive: Everyone was surprised by what she said.


19. Absolute Phrase Sentence:

    Active: The storm having passed, we ventured outside.

    Passive: Having passed, outside was ventured by us.


20. Prepositional Phrase Sentence:

    Active: He walked along the beach.

    Passive: Along the beach, he walked.


21. Adverb Clause Sentence:

    Active: Because he studied hard, he passed the exam.

    Passive: Because hard studying was done by him, the exam was passed.


22. Direct Address Sentence:

    Active: John, please pass the salt.

    Passive: John, let the salt be passed, please.


23. Emphatic Sentence:

    Active: I will finish this project!

    Passive: This project will be finished by me!


24. Conditional Perfect Sentence:

    Active: If I had known, I would have helped.

    Passive: If known, help would have been given by me.


25. Expletive Sentence:

    Active: It is raining heavily.

    Passive: Heavily raining is happening.


26. Cleft Sentence:

    Active: It was John who broke the vase.

    Passive: It was the vase that was broken by John.


27. Negative Interrogative Sentence:

    Active: Haven't you finished your homework yet?

    Passive: Hasn't your homework been finished yet?


28. Tag Question Sentence:

    Active: You like ice cream, don't you?

    Passive: Ice cream is liked by you, isn't it?


29. Direct Speech Sentence:

    Active: "I love you," he whispered.

    Passive: "You are loved," he whispered.


30. Indirect Speech Sentence:

    Active: She said, "I will come tomorrow."

    Passive: She said that she would come the next day.

Part II

Of course! Here are 20 sentences in different types:


1. Simple Sentence:

   Active: The sun shines brightly.

   Passive: Brightly shines the sun.


2. Compound Sentence:

   Active: She likes to read novels, and he prefers watching movies.

   Passive: Reading novels is liked by her, and watching movies is preferred by him.


3. Complex Sentence:

   Active: While I was studying, my brother was playing video games.

   Passive: While studying was done by me, video games were played by my brother.


4. Imperative Sentence:

   Active: Clean your room before dinner.

   Passive: Let your room be cleaned before dinner.


5. Interrogative Sentence:

   Active: Why did you choose this restaurant?

   Passive: Why was this restaurant chosen by you?


6. Exclamatory Sentence:

   Active: What a beautiful flower garden!

   Passive: How beautiful the flower garden is!


7. Declarative Sentence:

   Active: The cat sleeps on the windowsill.

   Passive: On the windowsill, the cat sleeps.


8. Elliptical Sentence:

   Active: He can cook; she, bake.

   Passive: Cooking can be done by him; baking, by her.


9. Conditional Sentence:

   Active: If it rains, we will cancel the picnic.

   Passive: If rain happens, the picnic will be canceled.


10. Complex-Compound Sentence:

    Active: She cooked dinner, and then she watched a movie because she was tired.

    Passive: Dinner was cooked by her, and then a movie was watched by her because she was tired.


11. Appositive Sentence:

    Active: My friend, an excellent musician, plays the piano.

    Passive: The piano is played by my friend, an excellent musician.


12. Coordinative Sentence:

    Active: You can go for a walk or stay home and relax.

    Passive: For relaxation, staying home or going for a walk can be chosen by you.


13. Gerund Phrase Sentence:

    Active: Singing brings her joy.

    Passive: Joy is brought to her by singing.


14. Infinitive Phrase Sentence:

    Active: She hopes to travel the world one day.

    Passive: Traveling the world one day is hoped for by her.


15. Participial Phrase Sentence:

    Active: Worn out from the long journey, they rested by the fire.

    Passive: From the long journey, worn out, resting was done by them by the fire.


16. Adjective Clause Sentence:

    Active: The car that is parked in front of the house belongs to my neighbor.

    Passive: Belonging to my neighbor, the car parked in front of the house.


17. Adverbial Clause Sentence:

    Active: Because it was raining heavily, we decided to stay indoors.

    Passive: Because heavy rain was happening, staying indoors was decided by us.


18. Noun Clause Sentence:

    Active: Whoever finishes first can have the last piece of cake.

    Passive: Having the last piece of cake can be done by whoever finishes first.


19. Absolute Phrase Sentence:

    Active: The sun having set, darkness enveloped the landscape.

    Passive: With the setting of the sun, the landscape was enveloped by darkness.


20. Prepositional Phrase Sentence:

    Active: He waited at the bus stop for thirty minutes.

    Passive: For thirty minutes, waiting was done by him at the bus stop.

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